I think it is the general lack of empathy , superficiality and instantaneousness of "modern" society, people are lazy and thinking about everything
is a tiresome and perhaps painful process, it will atract unwanted criticism, and labeling, its just so much more easy to read a compact version, or
hear it , see it.
Have you noticed how these days everyone reads someone else's opinion about a great classic? or they buy a book with quotations to memorize and look
cool, but what about the context?, If the idea of a classical author was summed up in a phrase why would they bother to write entire documents?
Regarding Faiths and Religions, i had a very early problem whenever i asked my "religious adviser" why was "my" religion the right one, they would
repeat "My Son, you just have to have faith. The Lord works in Mysterious ways!" , i could repeat the question in any way possible
and the answer was the same "Faith".
I would look in maps, and read about other countries, examine their strange shapes and exotic city names, and would learn that in this country
religion is mostly X, in that one religion is mostly Y , Z, etc
So, i would wonder... If such an important thing such as the creation of the Universe, or the Earth is actually true, then of all the countries of
Earth, why did it had to be mine to precisly get the right Religion?
I mean surely if i was born in a country where another religion was more predominant i would be a follower of such religion (even if socio-culturally
speaking) , so why is my religion the right one? a Coincidence?
Or just because i was born here?
Of course to have this doubt, one must first assume that all countries should be viewed (at first) with equal eyes (or better still with fairness and
unemotional impartiality)
But, like one poster clearly said ,it is about Ego indeed, too much Ego these days, being humble is looserish, hierarchy is only acceptable if one is
on the upward spots. This is and other things is why i still think there is some purity in the Military (lets not generalize
) the acceptance
there is someone above me, and its not the end of the world.
I also observed this in students, whatever their area of studies was, in their view it was the best, because of reason X, Y. They couldn't accept
reality in any other way.
Why all this personal insecurity? Why does society ( ? ) pressures the individual to this point?
Is it that of a failure to not be filthy rich and perfect, and just have a simple life with food, some clothing (as protection for temperature
variations), some money for an eventuality (a real need, not a Corvette), and having 0 debt, not owing 1 God damn cent to no one? and living a life of
is that SO bad?