posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 08:09 PM
I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced a persistent image or a vision of what seems to be a future event in their lives.
As for myself, I have a couple scenarios that I often find myself repeating in my head. I'm not sure where or when these came from, and I'm
certainly not going to say they have any validity whatsoever. Perhaps I've literally dreamed them up, but they are so vivid - and they often repeat
in my head, the way normal dreams cease to do after a while...rather strange.
The first is an image of a starkly-lit, long white corridor underground. It's empty, and I'm walking very fast through it. I am wearing a dark suit,
and I'm about 10-20 years older than I am now. I'm walking through the white corridor and passing by closed doors of all kinds. Here's the strange
part: I know that I am safe down here underground, and I also know that occuring far above me is massive chaos and bloodshed. I know that millions of
people are suffering very severely, and I am perfectly safe from it. Because of that, I have an almost overbearing guilt tied to me as I'm walking
down the corridor: why should I be safe when others are suffering so unimaginably?
The second image must be from two years from now, when I plan to be studying and working in Japan. I am watching television, and suddenly I see
something, and it causes me to bolt from wherever I am sitting and run to the phone. I call my parents in Canada - they are not home. I leave a
voicemail saying that I will be calling back every 2 hours. I tell them that whenever they get this message, to make sure that someone is in the house
at all times until I call; I tell them not to worry. When I finally have the chance to talk to them, I tell them to immediately buy tickets to Mexico
for the next flight available. I say that soon there will be massive evacuation in Canada and northern US, and due to the number of people trying to
migrate, panicked authorities will close off borders - my parents have to evacuate before the massive rush.
I'm not completely sure why I'm posting this, because these stories could very well be the product of my imagination. However, because these exact
same scenarios play through my head almost every day with a consistent vividness, it's really bothering me, so I wanted to see if anyone else has
experienced anything similar?