I've written several threads critical of Donald Trump during this election season, and in support of Hillary Clinton. I've become emotionally invested
in this presidential campaign. I want Hillary Clinton to win. As a result I was in a state of high dudgeon last night, as Hillary Clinton must have
been, at the late revelation by FBI Director James Comey that the FBI is examining yet more Clinton emails that have been discovered on private email
accounts associated with Mrs. Clinton's aid, Huma Abedin and her socially, sexually, salacious, sexting husband, Anthony "Hot Dog" Weiner.
Grasping at straws, I started composing posts in my head along the lines of
Keystone Kops Hand PR Coup To Alleged Polanski Like Rapist of 13 Year
Old Modeling Wannabe, Donald Trump. I started to descend into Donald Trump's Captain Queeg like insertions of conspiracy as an explanation of bad
fortune. I started to think that nobody in the FBI could be so unaware of context, the context being the election campaign, as to hand one candidate a
stick with which to beat the other one,
I reasoned that the fix had to be in. I thought,
This is the "October surprise" that anti Trump forces have been predicting would materialize out
of thin air to trip up Mrs. Clinton and irrationally throw public support to the irrationalist, Donald Trump.
People had been thinking that it would come in the form of a terrorist attack of some kind, since Trump has focused so much of his message on the
threat faced by America, of hostile attack. Echoes of 9/11. Visions of Mexican rapists climbing through the window. Muslim mow downs in Gayville. It
could come from any direction.
But no, and this is what lightened my mood and lifted the terrible weight of "high dudgeon" and betrayal off my back.
Warning: Academic reference ahead.
This morning when I got up i was still buzzing with all of this, when, I realized that there was a comic aspect to the story. I remembered that one of
the motifs of medieval literature and renaissance literature is the way in which it is often shown that the world of the great, statesmen and royalty,
is mirrored by the doings of ordinary yokels, on a low level and in ridiculous ways.
It is a dramatic device that you find in Shakespeare's plays. It uses comedy to relieve the tension of the main story line and can provide a line of
commentary, as well, on the higher matters examined by the main action of the play.
Numerous low life characters scurry across the stages of Shakespearean plays going about their dramatist author's stage business, to the amusement of
the audience, who are, as we are in this case, and as Mrs. Clinton should be, much more interested in the main action of the play.
Donald Trump has chosen to become absorbed in the activities of this play's lower than "life as we know it" characters. Mrs. Clinton should not be
diverted by this sub plot in the presidential play.
Let Donald and the groundlings have their laughs.
Donald Trump should be mindful that on allegations that he raped a 13 year old girl, he has been given a very soft ride by the media. He has sought,
in his usual exaggerated manner to portray the media as biased against him, rather than as simply reporting his follies as they occur.
If the media were biased against him, they would make sure that mention of the rape allegations were never out of print.
Spinning Hillary Clinton's email problems up to the level of "Watergate" is really asking for an unbiased, balanced media response, but I guess that
"The Donald", as usual, hasn't thought that far ahead.
edit on 29-10-2016 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)