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A Warning to the People of the U.S. from Former Haitian Senate President Watch Out For Hillary

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+26 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:02 AM
Oct 13, 2016 - A Warning to the People of the United States from Bernard Sansaricq interviewed by Sandy Rios on American Family Radio
The warning is at about 8:40 in the above radio link

Former Haitian Senate President Calls Clintons 'Common Thieves Who Should Be in Jail'

Sansaricq said that the Clinton Foundation received 14.3 billion dollars in donation money to help with the relief effort. President Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon put the Clinton Foundation in charge of the reconstruction, but Haiti has seen no help. The money all went to friends of Bill Clinton.

It is now known, thanks to WikiLeaks, that the State Department colluded with the Clinton Foundation to make sure that those multi-million dollar contracts would literally go to “friends of Bill.”

Email exchanges show Clinton Foundation officials in the hours after the massive earthquake reaching out to a senior aide to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who “repeatedly gave special attention to those identified by the abbreviations ‘FOB’ (friends of Bill Clinton) or ‘WJC VIPs’ (William Jefferson Clinton VIPs).”

Sansaricq pointed out that some of the 14.3 billion dollars the Clinton Foundation was given to rebuild the country after the 2010 earthquake could have been put toward building hurricane-proof infrastructure. But the Clintons only enriched themselves and did nothing to help the victims — and now the body count for Hurricane Matthew has gone up to over 1,000 people and millions of homes have been destroyed.

He said that Bill Clinton became a power broker in Haiti in 1994 when he invaded Haiti to restore democracy. “He wanted to have power in Haiti even after his presidency,” Sansaricq said.

'FOBs': How Hillary's State Dept. Gave Special Attention to 'Friends of Bill' After Haiti Quake

Now, we’re discovering that Hillary Clinton has not only stolen money from the people of Haiti but also STIFFED the contractors.

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 2011-11-30 14:41
Subject: outstanding issue

John - one thing to raise with Laura when you think the timing is right is
the outstanding expenses bill the CF/ CBHF has with McKinsey. My friend
Eric was the partner who led the work McKinsey did pro bono + expenses for
the CF/ CBHF and the IHRC in Haiti for more than a year and their expenses
have not yet been paid
. Eric did not want to reach out to me but after
Laura hung up on him last week - after not responding to any of the formal
bills or formal emails or Eric's emails - I think he's a bit at wits end
and also doesn't want to run it up the flag pole at McKinsey to attract any
undesired attention. I have not raised with my father yet as I thought you
or Bruce were a more appropriate vehicle though I am happy to raise if you
think helpful.


The family radio link at the top IMO is worth the 15 mins of your time along with the 4 min video.

He gave the warning but will America listen? Thoughts?

+14 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:07 AM
The Clinton Foundation makes Monsanto look like The Starlight Foundation.


+10 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:22 AM
That's what we've been trying to tell people, but apparently they believe she's all rainbows and unicorns. Too bad it'll take her destroying this country to be proven right.

+3 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:25 AM
If the Clintons could pull off something like this from under the spotlight of the state department and then push to get even a brighter spotlight on them just goes to ahow how brazzen and immune they are from any accountability.

We all know Chenney was bad, and he knew it too which is why he kept the spotlight off himself and did his hussles from back stage.

When this is over, in 100 years the Clintons are going to go down in history as the most successful and influencial crime family to ever live.

The devil wears J.Crew these days...

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: gmoneystunt

He gave the warning but will America listen? Thoughts?

For some reason I seriously doubt it. We nave seen so much of corruption but yet it all gets swept under the rug. This just shows me that the entire government system is corrupt.

For all the Hillbots that will choose to defend her, please offer some substantiating proof that this evidence is wrong and is not being covered up.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Crimes against to humanity is all the Clinton cabal is good for...

Utterly disgusting, what is worse is that when you bring this to the attention to someone who is voting for these monsters, all they can say is "well it is not Trump".

I have said it before and I will say it again... well played social engineers.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Cut... thats a wrap folks.

Shes about as legitimate as a three dollar bill. America has no legitimate candidate for the presidency amongst its top two candidates. Vote third, or get turd.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:47 AM
You people keep perpetuating lies.

But there is no evidence that Hillary Clinton, through the Clinton Foundation, raised “hundreds of millions of dollars” for a hospital that was never built. We consulted groups that have been critical of recovery delays in Haiti, but they could not point to a specific Clinton Foundation-funded hospital project, either. “We’ve tried to figure out what he might be citing as well, but we can’t provide you with a source of his claim because one doesn’t exist,” said Craig Minassian, a Clinton Foundation spokesman. “The Clinton Foundation never committed to build a hospital, nor did it accept, raise, or spend funds for that purpose. His claim is false.”

There’s a lot of criticism lodged against the Clintons for their involvement with recovery efforts in Haiti. But Cohen’s claim that Hillary Clinton raised hundreds of millions of dollars through the Clinton Foundation for a hospital that was never delivered is not credible.

Washington Post

One of the multiple sources ...

NOW, was the world's response to the Haiti disaster a sh#tshow?


As is typical in big government/big charity scenarios, there were millions of dollars wasted in contracts that weren't completed or followed through, and many, many investments that made no difference in the lives of ordinary Haitians (who live at a level of poverty that most of us in the US simply can't comprehend.)

But "The Clintons" didn't personally make "billions' off the relief efforts, and there were many reconstruction projects that were completed, sponsored by CF as well as other groups.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

Haiti has voodoo right , problem solved . Ah, if only it was that simple .

ETA , given Hillaries strange behaviour perhaps the dolls are already in use .

edit on 28-10-2016 by hutch622 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2016 by hutch622 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2016 by hutch622 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:56 AM
Who is Bernard Sansaricq again?

Sansaricq ran in the 2012 election for the U.S. House to represent Florida's 23rd District. Sansaricq sought the nomination on the Republican ticket but withdrew prior to the primary.


Hmmm ... he's also an avid Trump supporter. (PS, he's a US Citizen that has been involved in Haitian politics for decades, once leading an aborted coup. )

I'm sure he's completely and totally unbiased though.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Here is the deal in my opinion... the specifics may be wrong but the implication is still correct.. Did Hillary herself say steal the money or deliver sub standard houses etc.. no, but her and her husbands name were all over the relief efforts that in large part failed.

This was partly due to corruption in Haiti, poor planning, and mismanagement... but once upon a time in America we had an old saying, the buck stops here... remember that?

If Clinton foundation people either through corruption or incompetence failed to do their job(and I mean the rebuilding steps the Clinton foundation was supposed to be ramrodding), and we have the emails from Chelsa saying things were not getting done and people were dying, and the people that had their name splashed all over the efforts to rebuild, chose to do nothing... how is some degree of the failures not on Bill and Hillary?

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
You people keep perpetuating lies.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Clinton's "name was on it"? Sure, he was appointed Chairman of the relief effort by the President and the UN Secretary General. Of course "his name was on it."

So you admit that the failure is not primarily based in anything Bill or Hillary CLinton did, but you still want to blame them by invoking Mr. Truman's favorite saying? Do you think that he meant that in a bit of a different context, perhaps.

You've acknowledged that there was a constellation of issues, but you want to blame the Clintons ... gee, that seems reasonable.

"Some degree of the failures" ??? ARe you serious? This thread is about the Miami native and Trump supporter Sansaricq going on Fox News and blaming the CLintons that NOTHING got done in Haiti (which isn't true).

It's politcal theatre nothing more. Although I will admit, as usual, it's the poorest people who get screwed the worst.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

You people, you as the OP, everyone who chimed in to perpetuate the lies being told here.

That clear it up for you, Sarge?

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

I'm certain TPTB want HRC as President for many reasons, but it seems to me that she is a fantastic dirigible of the Civil Rights era, meant to ensure we have a woman in the White House, and she furthers TPTB agendas. TPTB must have this feather in their cap, much like Obama. MSM is pushing a war of ideals and preceivebly righting past social injustices. It's going to happen, and they want us to applaud it. If you're against them, you are the problem.

I'm all for equality of race and gender. I am not certain HRC is the right woman for the job, but they are.

edit on 28-10-2016 by Boscov because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 07:07 AM

originally posted by: Boscov
a reply to: gmoneystunt

I'm certain TPTB want HRC as President for many reasons, but it seems to me that she is a fantastic dirigible of the Civil Rights era, meant to ensure we have a woman in the White House, and she furthers TPTB agendas. TPTB must have this feather in their cap, much like Obama. MSM is pushing a war of ideals and preceivebly righting past social injustices. It's going to happen, and they want us to applaud it. If you're against them, you are the problem.

Well, I'm sure if TPTB want it, it will happen PDQ without any SNAFUs to be implemented ASAP.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 07:08 AM
Stiffed the contractors, outstanding!

As to the hospital,

But there is no evidence that Hillary Clinton, through the Clinton Foundation, raised “hundreds of millions of dollars” for a hospital that was never built. We consulted groups that have been critical of recovery delays in Haiti, but they could not point to a specific Clinton Foundation-funded hospital project, either. “We’ve tried to figure out what he might be citing as well, but we can’t provide you with a source of his claim because one doesn’t exist,” said Craig Minassian, a Clinton Foundation spokesman. “The Clinton Foundation never committed to build a hospital, nor did it accept, raise, or spend funds for that purpose. His claim is false.”

They built a luxury hotel.

Hey Gryphon, that is from a CF spokesman and you believe him? lol!!

Listen to Charles Ortel, I think he mentions Haiti in this, besides the foundation being a fraud, in general.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Hey BB, the source in the OP is a Miami native that has previously run for Congress on the Republican ticket and is now a staunch Trump supporter ...

... is there any reason you believe him?

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I never said I believe him... but there are plenty of videos out there that show people in Haiti believe the Clintons stiffed Haiti.

Also if the Clintons EVER used their work in Haiti as a political tool for themselves to show their giving/humanity etc... then they own all of it, the good and the bad.

posted on Oct, 28 2016 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: burgerbuddy

Hey BB, the source in the OP is a Miami native that has previously run for Congress on the Republican ticket and is now a staunch Trump supporter ...

... is there any reason you believe him?

Whatever dude, hillarys khan ran for prez of afghanistan.

lol, Why would he lie about the clintons corruption?!

I mean, really? It's not like he's saying they have a herd of unicorns or something.

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