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Little Blue Balls...

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posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 09:38 PM
One last thing...
These transparent spheres appeared to be like glass balls, or plastic looking, in other words hard shelled, not gas-like or soft looking. They gave no apparent glow, they themselves appeared to be slightly lit though, or light reflected off of them. I really doubt that they were actually transparent though due to the one that 'shot' the light at the other, it was some kind of controlled object that had some kind of a light, that is a certainty.
When the flash took place it made the Southbound one 'bounce' away like it was a Pong game. (Remember Pong?) Whether it actually made it "bounce" I don't know, but the other one definitely knew to get out of the way really quickly.
These things were approximately larger than your average satellite, or, slightly larger than your average star, I guess.
Just picture a glass ball up in space, or lower that has a bluish cast to it, that's what it looked like.
To me though since I could make out the edges of the sphere it had to have been low enough that it wasn't in actual outer space, not having any kind of clue as to how large they were either makes it hard to figure out, so I am in the dark on this.
I sure wish that someone that remembered that thread I mentioned of the guy that posted his exact version of what I saw would see this. His thread would've been around anywhere from 2005 to 2012 or so, I can't believe that I can't remember that.
I have searched and searched and I can't find any mention of it anywhere.

One good thing, I now live in a VERY DARK area to where maybe I can look again and possibly see something, maybe it's just a satellite that has the ability to turn on a dime, I don't know, but I will look this Winter.

Any help would be appreciated.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: recrisp

Was it especially quiet around you when you saw them?

Does it make sense to you that you saw them so clearly when you also say that they were so far away?

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: recrisp

Was it especially quiet around you when you saw them?

Does it make sense to you that you saw them so clearly when you also say that they were so far away?

I would say that it was especially quiet due to we were possibly a mile from anyone else and out from any electricity, so no noise, cars or people around. This was not a designated 'campsite' really, it was a place that we decided to camp, that's all. If you mean was the thing I saw making any noise, no, no noise at all.
I don't have any idea as to how far away they actually were, I could only guess, trying to guess what size something is or the distance is very hard to do, if not impossible. Since they were up in the air and appeared to be satellite-like I just assumed that they were at a very high altitude, especially back then. I more than likely wouldn't make that same assumption now, but I was a lot more impressionable back then. I can definitely remember though how distinct they appeared to me because I did have good vision and we did use binoculars. If this happened to me now with my vision, although not terrible, without any visual aids I wouldn't be able to either see it or differentiate it from anything else, such as a satellite, etc. Back when I had good eyesight I could spot satellites very easily, I can still spot them without glasses in a dark area, so I was used to seeing them and knew what your average satellite looked like, these just didn't fit the profile.
I'm almost certain these were not balloons of any kind too, they couldn't turn as sharp as it did, or, go as straight as they did. They were not a light of any kind that I am aware of, I mean, yeah, it 'could be' a light of some kind, but not one that I can fathom, even after all of these years.

I guess the easiest way to go about this is, what can make an abrupt turn such as the one described, that is the biggy, even now I wouldn't know what that could be, for certain. Well, now they have drones, but this wasn't drone-like at all, at least to me, especially since I had no idea what a drone was back then.

edit on 27-10-2016 by recrisp because: Typo

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: recrisp

Just checking. When I saw the close-up black triangle "UFO" (it wasn't a physical craft IMHO) it was artificially quiet, and even though "it" was at times (apparently) near the horizon, I could see (apparently) tiny rivets on the thing, which would have been impossible if it was really a physical craft.

That's when I realized that "It" was projected into my mind. I've run across dozens of others who have had similar experiences, and it would seem that these "things" are not actually physically there at all, at least not in any normal sense.

That's why I asked you those questions.


posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: recrisp

Just checking. When I saw the close-up black triangle "UFO" (it wasn't a physical craft IMHO) it was artificially quiet, and even though "it" was at times (apparently) near the horizon, I could see (apparently) tiny rivets on the thing, which would have been impossible if it was really a physical craft.

That's when I realized that "It" was projected into my mind. I've run across dozens of others who have had similar experiences, and it would seem that these "things" are not actually physically there at all, at least not in any normal sense.

That's why I asked you those questions.


Ohhh, I have not heard of that stuff before, but for me, I wouldn't say that was the case, but then again, since I don't know what it was I guess it could be wide open for speculation.
What you're referring to is way above my head.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 08:32 AM


posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: recrisp

After I said my piece I said, "Ask Robert". Robert said I was crazy and he didn't see a thing, I thought he was kidding but he was being serious, you'd think that on the way back he'd say that he wasn't wanting to tell anyone, but, Nooo...

You know, it may be possible that he honestly doesn't remember it any more. I can't explain it, maybe KPBs mental projection explanation has something to it, but this happened to me. In the mid '90s I saw a thing in the sky with my whole family at the time, my ex-wife, 2 sons and a daughter. These kids are all grown with kids of their own now. Anyway, we saw this thing just sitting in the bright mid day sky not moving or making any sound. At first I just found myself staring at it without consciously acknowledging it but then suddenly I realized I was looking at something that shouldn't be there at all. It looked kind of like a dumbell sitting up there. Just like two spheres connected by a stem or something (I thought possibly 3 and at such an angle that it looked like 2).

Well, my whole family saw the thing and talked about it excitedly at the time, but years later when discussing it again with my younger son the rest of them said, "you guys are nuts, we didn't see anything". We were flabbergasted. My son that did remember it told me he had talked to his brother about it before and had wondered if he just imagined the whole thing or dreamed it, since he was very young. He was glad that I confirmed it to him.

Something else interesting about our sighting, we were pulling into our driveway when we saw the thing off to my left through the window and I just stopped in the middle of the road to stare at it. Then after a minute I thought it might be a good idea to pull in and park and get out to have a better look. When we did park and get out it was just gone. Just like a projector had been shut off.
edit on 10/27/2016 by wtbengineer because: just an edit

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: wtbengineer
a reply to: recrisp

After I said my piece I said, "Ask Robert". Robert said I was crazy and he didn't see a thing, I thought he was kidding but he was being serious, you'd think that on the way back he'd say that he wasn't wanting to tell anyone, but, Nooo...

You know, it may be possible that he honestly doesn't remember it any more. I can't explain it, maybe KPBs mental projection explanation has something to it, but this happened to me. In the mid '90s I saw a thing in the sky with my whole family at the time, my ex-wife, 2 sons and a daughter. These kids are all grown with kids of their own now. Anyway, we saw this thing just sitting in the bright mid day sky not moving or making any sound. At first I just found myself staring at it without consciously acknowledging it but then suddenly I realized I was looking at something that shouldn't be there at all. It looked kind of like a dumbell sitting up there. Just like two spheres connected by a stem or something (I thought possibly 3 and at such an angle that it looked like 2).

Well, my whole family saw the thing and talked about it excitedly at the time, but years later when discussing it again with my younger son the rest of them said, "you guys are nuts, we didn't see anything". We were flabbergasted. My son that did remember it told me he had talked to his brother about it before and had wondered if he just imagined the whole thing or dreamed it, since he was very young. He was glad that I confirmed it to him.

Something else interesting about our sighting, we were pulling into our driveway when we saw the thing off to my left through the window and I just stopped in the middle of the road to stare at it. Then after a minute I thought it might be a good idea to pull in and park and get out to have a better look. When we did park and get out it was just gone. Just like a projector had been shut off.

In my case he did remember, he just chose not to say anything because he feared ridicule, I know that because we discussed it after his denial a little while afterwards.

As far as your case goes I can definitely understand someone not being able to remember something after a few years, especially if it was possibly upsetting. People can do some crazy stuff to protect themselves.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: recrisp

Huh, that's kind of rotten, not to back you up. I mean, after you brought it up you'd think it would be relatively easy for him to admit that it happened just like you said. For my case, my younger son and I remember it vividly, it made a huge impression on us. I can't imagine being able to forget it or put it out of my mind in any way.

By the way, I wanted to ask you something else. Is this the only strange thing you've seen or strangeness you've experienced in your life? Have you ever had any direct experiences with ghosts or hauntings at all? Just wondering, I usually find that people who've seen UFOs have also had the other stuff too.
edit on 10/27/2016 by wtbengineer because: to add

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: wtbengineer
a reply to: recrisp

Huh, that's kind of rotten, not to back you up. I mean, after you brought it up you'd think it would be relatively easy for him to admit that it happened just like you said. For my case, my younger son and I remember it vividly, it made a huge impression on us. I can't imagine being able to forget it or put it out of my mind in any way.

By the way, I wanted to ask you something else. Is this the only strange thing you've seen or strangeness you've experienced in your life? Have you ever had any direct experiences with ghosts or hauntings at all? Just wondering, I usually find that people who've seen UFOs have also had the other stuff too.

I understood that he didn't want to back me up, I mean, it was O.k., I just wish that he'd have let me know beforehand, it was kind of embarrassing. heheh

I definitely understand your point of you and your son remembering that stuff though, that would make a definite impression on me too.

No, I really have led a pretty normal life, no background of any kind of 'extra' anything.
Well, once I was told that if you look in a mirror in a dimly lit room from a light behind you and concentrate, (Think silhouette) kind of right above your shoulder you could see your aura. I did that when I was 18 (I was alone) and saw a smoky looking yellowish aura, I assume. It scared me so bad you couldn't pay me to do it today, I felt a immense presence of evil there that really scared the living daylights out of me. That was only my imagination, I saw what I saw, the vapor, but I think that if you stare long enough like I did your vision can play tricks, still though, I WILL NOT try that EVER again! heheh I really don't believe in that sort of thing (or so I say) but it was really something to see. Supposedly also, if you saw a yellow cast then that was not good, or so I was told afterwards, blue was supposed to be the color you wanted. That's about as spooky as it got for me.

I don't think of ghostly apparitions or any of that stuff, and I really don't believe so much in "flying saucers" anymore, I mean, from out there anyway. Not to say that I don't believe in life out there 'cause I do, I just personally don't believe in them visiting us like the way I really wanted them to a few years ago. If others want to believe that it doesn't bother me, I understand the 'why' one would, or would want to, it's just not for me anymore. Not to say that in my life I haven't been scared by something or someone into thinking it was something scary there to get me, 'cause that has happened. I think we all have that at one time or another, just for me, not lately.

Other than that the only other thing I have seen is a UFO back in about 1955 to 1957 somewhere, I was about 3-4 years old and I was outside at night and my mother was either hanging up, or getting laundry off of the clothesline. I was not even as tall as her hip and I was looking up slightly up at her and saw a triangular formation or a 'something' that was flying really fast on the horizon, I mean around a mile or so away maybe, I mean fast too! It appeared to be almost on its side and going straight and I didn't hear a thing. I realize that is a weird thing to say that one remembers, but I do definitely remember that, really pretty clear too.
I do have to say though, I definitely have a memory of me sitting on my mother's lap waiting for my brother to be born. That's only odd 'cause my mother would need top have been there, AND, my brother is older than I am. heheh
So, although I remember that formation flying so fast, it may not have been a thing.
Back in the fifties it was nothing abnormal to have a jet fly over and almost break your windows from breaking the sound barrier, that was a daily occurrence. The odd part of my 'sighting' is that there was no noise that I can remember, plus the speed they were going, it just looked wrong, even to a small kind.
Anyway, I got all of that out of my system now.

edit on 27-10-2016 by recrisp because: ...

edit on 27-10-2016 by recrisp because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: recrisp

Haha, yeah, I have come to the same conclusion about UFOs. I used to believe that they were nuts and bolts craft from another world but it's been a long time since I felt that way. I understand the wanting it to be true too, I used to want the same thing. I can't imagine it now because whenever I think of seeing something like that I am more prone to panicking about it than anything else.

I've had all kinds of weirdness in my life, although not nearly as much the last 20 years. As a kid I was haunted and it terrified me. I still remember all the horrible things that happened. It was all focused on me and no one else even knew about it. But that's how it was back in the '60s for me, you just didn't talk about some things. So I didn't tell anybody. But there were footsteps most nights coming up the stairs and to the side of my bed but nobody there and I'd wake up and panic and the lights wouldn't come on and I couldn't get out of my room, things like that. Later on when I was a teenager, things moved around by themselves and pictures fell off the walls and footsteps walked around and around in my room while I sat in the room below watching TV at night. No one else lived upstairs at that time but me. My parents had a downstairs bedroom and were long asleep when this happened. Many times I'd drive into town and wait for morning I was so scared.

Anyway, I was surprised to read that you hadn't experienced anything like that. I've talked to a lot of people that have had both type experiences and I think they are somehow related. Elves, fairies, bigfoot, all that stuff. Ever read Vallee?
edit on 10/27/2016 by wtbengineer because: to add

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 02:48 PM
Thanks for rather thorough telling of your strange tale. I don't have any answers but these 'blue' lights or orbs featured in the Rendlesham Forest case. Also the rather strange Paul Bennewitz affair where he began seeing 'energy balls' in his home and even the agent spying on him saw them.

I don't know if you are familiar with either or both cases. But it may be worth reading up on them to see if you notice anything familiar to yourself.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: mirageman

I wonder if Bennewitzes rabid belief generated/attracted the orb and/or infected the agent.

I *never* heard that the agent saw it.

Thats why "they" want us to believe in nuts and bolts craft so badly.

It accomplishes two things:

1) provides even more cover for their own real world black projects.

2) gets us creating/seeing something useful for them...seeing "little people" or "demons" just gives aid and benefit to the governments enemy religion.
(UFOs are the governments competing religion).


posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yes that *agent* was a mirage man.

See :

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: wtbengineer
a reply to: recrisp

Haha, yeah, I have come to the same conclusion about UFOs. I used to believe that they were nuts and bolts craft from another world but it's been a long time since I felt that way. I understand the wanting it to be true too, I used to want the same thing. I can't imagine it now because whenever I think of seeing something like that I am more prone to panicking about it than anything else.

I've had all kinds of weirdness in my life, although not nearly as much the last 20 years. As a kid I was haunted and it terrified me. I still remember all the horrible things that happened. It was all focused on me and no one else even knew about it. But that's how it was back in the '60s for me, you just didn't talk about some things. So I didn't tell anybody. But there were footsteps most nights coming up the stairs and to the side of my bed but nobody there and I'd wake up and panic and the lights wouldn't come on and I couldn't get out of my room, things like that. Later on when I was a teenager, things moved around by themselves and pictures fell off the walls and footsteps walked around and around in my room while I sat in the room below watching TV at night. No one else lived upstairs at that time but me. My parents had a downstairs bedroom and were long asleep when this happened. Many times I'd drive into town and wait for morning I was so scared.

Anyway, I was surprised to read that you hadn't experienced anything like that. I've talked to a lot of people that have had both type experiences and I think they are somehow related. Elves, fairies, bigfoot, all that stuff. Ever read Vallee?

My experiences and yours are a LOT different, I have not had any like what you have gone through, and I hope that I don't too.

I've seen movies like your experiences, that's about it. heheh
As far as bigfoot, elves, etc., that is something I really don't know much about. I have read a little about Vallee and I saw a video on him once only recently, he seems to be a serious scientist but I don't know enough about him honestly, that area is a whole 'nother realm, one that I have not gone down. I'm not the UFO nut I once was, I'm still a nut, but...

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
Thanks for rather thorough telling of your strange tale. I don't have any answers but these 'blue' lights or orbs featured in the Rendlesham Forest case. Also the rather strange Paul Bennewitz affair where he began seeing 'energy balls' in his home and even the agent spying on him saw them.

I don't know if you are familiar with either or both cases. But it may be worth reading up on them to see if you notice anything familiar to yourself.

To be honest, the Rendlesham case has been different every time I hear/read about it, the entire story has changed so much I got to where it was one of the few stories that I got sick of due to its inconsistencies. heheh
I am really not that familiar with energy balls, but since I don't know what I saw they could be any or all of the above, I don't know.
I do remember Paul Bennewitz though, it was kind of interesting story about him although I don't feel as though mine is related, plus his was much more interesting.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 06:35 PM
Great story! I enjoyed it very much! Thanks

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: recrisp

Still a nut... that's the way to be to keep going in this world. A little bit of a nut.

I'm glad you never had to go through the things I went through, it was bad. But in a way I'm glad to have suffered it and survived. Many things I've gone through have defined me and some have made me stronger. Anyway, yes, Vallee is a serious scientist, one of the only ones to have contributed to the field of UFO study. I will have to pull out some of his stuff and go through it again. I'm no UFO nut, once maybe, but not any more. I think they're related to the other things that have messed with me through my life and I truthfully don't want any part of them any more. I recently saw a light in the sky kind of changing speeds suddenly. It was going along and just seemed to warp ahead to another position in the sky that seemed impossible. It did this a few times while I watched it. I just got a funny feeling on my way out to the garage that I should look up at the sky and there it was. All I could feel was dread and fear. I don't want to see this crap any more.
edit on 10/27/2016 by wtbengineer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: KVAMSKY
Great story! I enjoyed it very much! Thanks

Thank you, KVAMSKY! I appreciate that.

posted on Oct, 27 2016 @ 07:37 PM

To be honest, the Rendlesham case has been different every time I hear/read about it
a reply to: recrisp

That's funny, it's the exact thing that has bothered me about it. I remember watching TV shows about it and reading about it when it was still a new case and the things I read now boggle my mind. I mean, either the original accounts left out a lot of things or vice versa because what I see now sounds like a different case altogether. It's one case I just won't read about any more because of that.

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