posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 04:37 PM
Hey gang, I work as a custodian at a local school. I recently switched back to the night shift where I spend the majority of my time alone in dark
corridors and empty hallways.
Anyhow, I decided I'd download an ebook to listen to while cleaning. I chose Stephen King's "It" because I'm a huge fan and apparently also a moron.
I've never done an audio book as I like to read anyways. I have a cousin who swears by them, but I think it's because he's not the strongest reader.
So here I am at night listening to this book, and it starts a bit slow, now I'm about halfway through and things are picking up. I clean an outside
courtyard of rooms and unfortunately most of the hall lights are out. So THAT fun.
The narrator is pretty good. It's an older recording and besides the plot horror in between the narrator's speaking I can hear other voices. Like the
recording was made in a place where other audio books were being recorded. So I'll be cleaning and I can hear these other voices and it totally freaks
me out.
Anyways, as I'm halfway through I was wondering if any members had any other suggestions for me.
Preferably not horror this time!
edit on 26-10-2016 by denybedoomed because: Spelling