posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 03:26 PM
Hello ATS
I'm subject to a fierce experiment, or, how it feels to me : torture.
I'm not an expert on biology or how the brain works in detail, so forgive me if this post is a little simplistic. Basically I've nanobots (which
supposedly don't exist) in my brain, an,d (I assume) they act on my brain chemicals in such a way as to cause chronic depression...suicidal
depression in fact. To cut to the chase, as you say in the USA, they also electrocute my nerves (ALL AT ONCE), causing agonising pain! The 'bots are
remote/radio controlled by the English SS (and they ARE very similar to the Nazi SS in their treatment of me, I think).
So basically, I hear voices (The SS again), and am suffering from feelings that I want to die.
About my quite happy 'previous life' before this happened : I was just a young lad who e naonwanted career in computer programming and studied
Math/Maths to a high standard (my tutor said I was doing the work of a professor), and still lived at home bashing away at my computer to try and
achieve my ambition. As a lot of you will know though COMPUTING is a conspiracy theory too (ie it's not all it states it is). So I suppose I'm
doubly unlucky.
Why they can't just use a monkey, instead of driving me to my death I don't know, I really dont.
Anyways, oh I forgot...the nanobots block the action of nearly ALL the psycho-active drugs I've tried liked anti-depressants etc.