posted on Nov, 23 2016 @ 11:44 AM
(Continued from Page 75)
Once all had been settled, The tall Sarn wandered off in different directions. Some of them went into the Shed. Which was a sight to
behold as they had to crouch over in half just to get through the doorway. Many explecitives in Their language were spoken as They took in the sights
before them in there! Most could not believe their eyes!
The beings inside the Shed soon found rooms for Their Families and oddly enough, envisioned themselves in the wilds. And Everyone knows that inside
The Shed, rooms become whatever the owners of the rooms want them to look like! So inside The Shed were now many rooms that looked like either
forests, caves, or thatched roof huts!
Others of the tall Beings went off towards the woods, and mountainous regions of Accasia. They probably will be better off in the wilds, as is Their
native habitats. Evidently they are not as Sociable as the Others, Who went inside The Shed...
A group of Hunting Ogres spotted the larger group of Sarn walking through the forest. The ogres, being pretty large themselves, obviously took
instinct in stride as They soon began to Hunt The Sarn. "What are You, and where do You come from?" Asked the leader of Ogres with a scowl on His
face, to the Sarn in front of the single file line of his Brethren.
"We are Sarn." The Tall Male Sarn answered simply. "We are from what inhabitants here call the Orion Star system." He finished with.
"Star System We know not of!" A slathering Ogre declared. He looked at His companions, all of which looked leeringly at The Sarn.
The Sarn behind The Tall Leader started to spread out, looking for and finding weapons in case they would be needed. Soon the four arms of each the
Sarn were loaded with clubs of dead branches, and large rocks. What each of Them held in Their 4 hands would defend themselves very well, as they were
all skilled in a Warring fashion!
The Ogres did not know what They had gotten Themselves into!...