a reply to:
you gotta look at the reality of it rather than listening to that trump party spin which is delusional.
evangelicals dont like trump so he isnt gonna get their vote or the turnout from the evangelicals.
romney won utah by 70 plus percent, in utah trumps in trouble. especially after the robocalls of calling mcmullen a homosexual in utah when he
there is a changing demographic of cultural groups in america where the republicans can no longer simply win elections with their core white or
religious base. its why some red states are not battleground states.
latinos wont vote for trump
muslims wont vote for trump
african americans wont vote for trump
asians wont vote for trump
lotta women wont vote for trump
so that leaves trump with what divided remains of the republican base, and his core base of 30 percent of white blue collar voters.
this propaganda that trumps gonna win is delusion. he gotta run the board on battleground states, hang onto romneys red states of utah arizona and
north carolina, and turn 1 or 2 democratic states republican to win the election, all by tuesday.
his chances of doing that by tuesday using just tne RNC's ground game cuz he has none of his own is ZERO.
trump will hang onto congress, but he is going to lose the senate as well.
after tuesday its gonna be a reckoning with a RNC house cleaning of those that supported trump.
and trump will start his tv start up after the election hoping the blue collar vote will subscribe and pay for his cable channel.