posted on Oct, 24 2016 @ 10:24 PM
Eh every forum gets certain types of people, from keyboard commandos to resident trolls to how does the internet even function yet are somehow on
Just take it in stride and let the owners and mods decide how things go down; that doesn't mean community isn't important but the mission statement of
what the desire to be accomplished of and for the site isn't up to the members... there is a forum for that sort of discussion in board business
There is also the sort that thinks they could run a forum better than anyone else; and well there's a lot more work than what some are aware of that
goes into it. From content with partners or internet standards and protocols not only nationally but globally, advertizing setting them too and well
if you want to turn a profit then you're going to bend to those standards or pay out the ass to host a ton of data and content out of the kindness of
one's own heart for the community... no one expects that as it can cost tens of thousands a month for a large forum, then mods etc to make sure all of
those standards and the mission statement stays true without getting that yahoo I'm above everyone now that a have a couple more buttons than everyone
else as people try to get you in some clique by running to you like a child over every little thing. The ol siddle up it's kinda funny and likely only
mods know what I'm talking about.
But as ATS goes longest running and largest "conspiracy" site that looks to move beyond the BS but also allows the BS as long as someone knows where
to post that BS among the many forums in which to choose.
Of course I have seen some very great solid contributors get ran off or emotionally worked over because someone doesn't like the topic or just wants
to railroad them out of some personal satisfaction... sad and sorted but it does occur, looking for those extra buttons they don't have on someone
else to do a job as if they did have them, but that's the reason they don't... someone in the middle of a BS storm all the time is likely the cause of
that BS storm all the time as inconspicuous as it may first appear as who has time to go back several posts or pages or even in the history of someone
forum topic after forum topic to see that pattern?
Those getting the constant shaft by someone knows it but it is rare that anyone else does... so hey I understand your rant even though I don't know
the context; though I think Reldra pointed out the why but not the specifics which is a good thing... as drama sometimes can even be a worse undoing
to a community than what occurred that even started it.
edit on 24-10-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)