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As a Muslim, I Think Canada Should Ban the Niqab and Burka in Public

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posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:07 PM
Since this is such a hot topic in various places in Western Society, i thought this story was of interest since it's a Muslim Woman who hates seeing her fellow man forced into wearing one in public.

As a Muslim mother who never saw a niqab when I was growing up in Karachi, Pakistan, I am astonished to see Canada's judiciary caving in to Islamists who have nothing but contempt for Canada's values of gender equality. I write this as a Muslim Canadian who does not have any specific political leanings.

But in the 25 years I have called Canada home, I have seen a steady rise of Muslim women being strangled in the pernicious black tent that is passed off to naïve and guilt-ridden white, mainstream Canadians as an essential Islamic practice. The niqab and burka have nothing to do with Islam.

They're the political flags of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, the Taliban, al-Qaida and Saudi Arabia. Now I learn I have not only to fight the medieval, theocratic adherents of my faith for a safe space for myself, I have to battle the Federal Court of Canada as well, which has come out on the side of these face masks.

Not all Muslim women want this, and in Westernized Society's like here in the USA i can only imagine it's the same in Canada and other Modernized Society's.

Do they wear them because their husbands are sadomasochistic? Insecure? Feel inferior next to Women?

What do you guys think?

Let the Mud flinging begin!

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:12 PM
Good to hear. I can speak with some experience on this one and I can tell you many Muslims feel the same way. Unfortunately many do not.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:13 PM
I'm sure they wear them for a myriad of reasons.

People love banning things nowadays.
We live in an authoritarian do-as-I-say world now.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:15 PM
How do they look like in their passport pictures ? Do they have their Niqab on ?

How can you identify them when they look like this ?

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Encryptor


Is the Huffingpaint Post finding Jesus or is their revenues falling?

I will go with the latter!

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: Encryptor

As a woman, if you feel like wearing a black Hefty bag, fantastic. Go for it.

Just don't complain when others don't. Nor should the islamic "men" be allowed to enforce their views on others regarding humility.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:20 PM
Yes, lets start banning more religious stuff, i hate religious people. Lets ban turbans on east indian men, well because why not.

Lets also ban crosses because its the religion of pedophiles, good old priest am i right.

Also lets not forget the good old orthodox jews traditon of having the woman shave her hair and wear a wig after her wedding. Also lets ban those sheets they use in bed because the man cannot be touched by a feeble woman, lets do this.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:20 PM
They should have to fallow the same rules as anyone else. Nothing on the head while the photo is being taken. I don't care what happened before that or after that. People making this a religious issue when it's not.
edit on 23-10-2016 by Tjoran because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:21 PM
Other cultures dress has exactly what to do with anything, again?

Oh, focus on Islam, the religion of most of the Middle Eastern countries NATO is bombing. Better to dehumanize and demonize them so the mass death and destruction go down better.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:21 PM
Wear what you want in public, but if you go into a shop or something at least take off the veil.

If I have to remove my motorbike helmet to buy petrol from the station you should have to take off your veil. Can't have one set of rules for one group and a separate set of rules for others.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: dollukka
How do they look like in their passport pictures ? Do they have their Niqab on ?

How can you identify them when they look like this ?

God that ia retarded. The whole point of id is to be able to, well, id someone. I can't id you with that door mat on your head.

Take it off, and then take the picture. If that don't work than pack your # up and get out.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: dollukka

At the airport women who wear burkas ask for a woman agent to take them into a private room. They remove the burka so they can be seen by the agent.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
Wear what you want in public, but if you go into a shop or something at least take off the veil.

If I have to remove my motorbike helmet to buy petrol from the station you should have to take off your veil. Can't have one set of rules for one group and a separate set of rules for others.

Well, come on this world of "Idiocracy" it is "racist" to ask some for and ID before they vote! But yea, let the guilt flow and stupidity rule till the country you knew is no longer recognizable in the name of Social Justice and Political Correctness!

and people wonder why others lose their snip............

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Encryptor

I don't support the banning of anything religious. I support the freedom to practice religion. My hope is that through discussion more and more people will drop these archaic belief systems. Which is happening thankfully.

To answer your question, I do think it's completely sexist in nature. Now it's tradition, sure, but it's rooted in a patriarchal belief system. That's Abrahamic religions for you.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: Lucid Lunacy

There is nowhere in Quran that women should wear those. This is later "invention" to hide their property ( women) and reduce female rights and lower female status to similar as owning "a vase".

And all documents which are used as ID should show whole face. No matter what is the sex of person who checks the ID. And burka or niqab are not religious clothing.

Take a look back few decades, women in arab countries did wear very modern clothes

Iranian women back in 1970´s
edit on 23-10-2016 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:42 PM
We should definitely also ban magic underwear for Mormons. Although it would be difficult to know if they were still wearing them after the ban. ; )


a reply to: dukeofjive696969

Yes, lets start banning more religious stuff, i hate religious people. Lets ban turbans on east indian men, well because why not.

Lets also ban crosses because its the religion of pedophiles, good old priest am i right.

Also lets not forget the good old orthodox jews traditon of having the woman shave her hair and wear a wig after her wedding. Also lets ban those sheets they use in bed because the man cannot be touched by a feeble woman, lets do this.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: SallieSunshine

That is not true about orthodox Jews and the sheet.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Lucid Lunacy

This is not a religious question, nor is it specifically a question of Abrahamic religious requirements.

These two garments are products of two forces: ethnic groups and ideological philosophy. They have nothing to do with the central tenets of Islam or the mainstream practises of Ibadi Islam, Sunni Islam, Ismaeli Islam, Shia Islam...

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Encryptor

As a Muslim, I think women should get to choose what they want to wear in public. If a woman wants to wear daisy dukes or a nijab, she should be free to do so.

posted on Oct, 23 2016 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: Encryptor

As a Muslim, I think women should get to choose what they want to wear in public. If a woman wants to wear daisy dukes or a nijab, she should be free to do so.

Good for you!

I think that's the first time I gave you a star!

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