I was thinking about life, god, the universe, sacred geometry, everything and anything all at once. How it all fits in, what does it all mean? I then
came over all religious or at least at the time I thought I had. I was convinced there is a god and I just had to go to a church to speak with a
priest. The nearest church to my home is a Church of England church so I went there. When I got there, there was a film crew at the church filming for
a TV show or a film. I did ask them a number of times what exactly are you filming but they kept palming me off and not telling me what it was so I
stopped asking. They were not filming in the church itself just in some of the side rooms and out buildings. So I sat down in the church with a Bible
and started to read it. One of the first things I read after the Genesis was the Song of Songs. I have never read or heard of it before that I
remember. Straight away I realised this is about the positive and the negative, the male and the female that create a universe. I asked to speak with
the vicar who told me he was busy and I should come back Sunday for the service and we can talk after over coffee. I realised the vicar could care
less about what I had to say and just wanted another person at his Sunday service to make up the numbers. I didn’t bother to go to his Sunday
The church was built in the 1960's it is hexagon/dodecahedron in shape with a round skylight in the centre with some small spot lights around the
skylight. There were two people sat at the back of the church who were part of the film crew, a man and a woman.
I was sat there for most of the morning, the afternoon and into the evening reading a Bible, looking around and thinking. At some point in the late
afternoon towards the early evening, I looked up at the skylight and I saw something. I said to myself "That wasn't there before WTF". I looked
away then looked back it was still there" WTF!" I thought it was from the spot lights but they were all off and pointing down towards the floor.
"WTF" I looked away and then looked back, it was still there "WTF!"
I said to the man and the woman at the back of the church "Do you see that" I pointed to the skylight and told them what I could see and asked again
"Do you see it". They both looked at me like I was made of cheese.
I asked again "Do you see it" They both looked up at the skylight then back at me with a look on their faces that said you are crazy. They then went
back to their mobile phones and conversation. In a Church.
I had my phone in my pocket and I thought take a photo. Then I thought what if it doesn't come out in the photo then what? And what if it does come
out in the photo then what? I kept looking up and then away from the skylight. It was still there "WTF". I was already having a very strange day
that was part of a very intense time and almost overwhelming time. I didn't take the photo. I then said to myself "Go to the bathroom and then get a
drink of water and hopefully when you get back its gone". So that is what I did. I got up had one last glimpse at what I was seeing then walked off.
When I came back into the church what I had seen was gone.
What did I see?
I saw two pinecones, one on top of the other at obtuse angles. I couldn't work out why would I see two pinecones and why where they at that strange
angle to each other. I went home.
I have since tried to draw what I had seen on paper but sadly I'm no artist. I don't regret not taking the photo because even if I had no one would
believe me and maybe it was just for me? Because the other two people sat in the church clearly didn't see it.
A while after this happened I stumbled across the egg in the image below.
The Lake
Winnipesaukee mystery stone. I saw the usual signs, the spiral – a Torus. The corncob is also Torus, the flower of life pattern on the top of
the egg. The arm is the Golden Ratio. The egg its self is the Egg of Life (sacred geometry). If I looked at this image once then I had looked at it a
100 times. I didn't make the connection. Then one day I looked at it again and I said to myself "FCUKING S#IT. That's it, that's the angle the
pinecones where at WTF!"
In the third image above there are two triangles one on top of the other. That is exactly the angle the two pinecones where at on the skylight at the
church. If one was to take the cob of corn from the centre image (which is the same as a pinecone) and lay it on the left triangle then lay another
one on the right triangle so that, that corn/pinecone is on top. That is what I saw.
In the above image this is pretty much how the pinecones looked on the skylight even the same sort of rusty colour, but lighter and brighter. The
sunlight was coming thru the pinecones to make up the shape. I did not know that this building was a pinecone at the time. They call it the gherkin in
London, it in fact a pinecone, the flower of life, a torus. I realised what the gherkin building really is after this all happened to me, when I saw a
photo of it online.
Since what happened that day, learning about sacred geometry and everything else, I figured out life and a whole lot more. So maybe I really did get
enlightened? Because I didn't know much about anything before, it all looked like nothing and meant nothing to me. Now it doesn't. It really
doesn’t. It was amazing to begin with, now it is just horror as I now know too much. More than I ever wanted to know. The future for earth is grim
to say the least.
There is no Bible God it’s a man made up rotten one, used to enslave us all and make the Vatican and its family of royal’s gods on earth at our
expense. But there is Divinity; it’s the ball of light at the centre of the tours that is in everything. The Ancients knew this all along.
A peacock feather represents a Torus.
Graphic by
Shepard Fairey, change the grenades to pinecones and this is what I saw. This is
what Sheppard Fairy saw when he was enlightened. This is what anyone sees when they become enlightened.
Note: The eagle and the words Imperial Glory, this is a nod to the Holy Roman Empire - The Vatican. Shepard Fairy is a Nazi of the Vatican.
Spoiler Alert – In the movie pulp fiction it is pinecones in the briefcase – Enlightenment.
Even the natural behaviors of the pine cone have an esoteric meaning: as it ripens, the pine cone slowly opens to release its mature seeds. This
process is symbolic of the expansion of consciousness that accompanies the opening of the pineal gland and the awakening of the Third Eye. The
metaphor is a valuable and stimulating mental lesson of an esoteric phenomenon that cannot otherwise be seen or explained since it occurs inside the
• higher consciousness
• a deeper understanding of life and death
• a newfound ability to control the future
• a sense of peacefulness and bliss
• extrasensory, clairvoyant, intuitive and psychic abilities
• expanded perception
• enhanced capacity for self-healing
• stress reduction
• calmness and clarity
• newfound sensitivity