If Clinton becomes president, What would happen if in the likely event she becomes sick and dies- then what's-his-name becomes president, and is
killed by any number of means? The reason I ask, is because there seems to be an elaborate story line taking shape, with all of the lies and cover ups
this could be something big. On one hand, we have the anti Christ- on the other Hand we have...
Aliens, of course.
And on the middle one there, we have multiple realities. In other words- Clinton is Trump.
I don't want to go into details here, not on ATS, not on a Friday night after working all week.
No. I need to get in touch with the NSA.
This is big, perhaps yuge.
Now for the open letter-
Hillary, Trump- you guys are like siblings to me. We are like a family of distantly related chimps, or lizard people. Hillary is the older, shorter,
crazy sister that doesn't know that she has a younger brother- me.
Trump is the older brother who just does better at everything.
Including lying.
Imagine a scenario in which he is actually the more convincing liar. Not merely lying about groping, but lying about lying about lying about
everything else-
Somewhat like Hillary, except one step further-
Is it possible that Hillary is not the more capable lie expert out of the two?
It seems that she is a good liar; but why are we catching her if she is so good?
That would not be a very convincing anti-Christ.
Perhaps aliens?
That would be exciting! Logically, the intricacies and complexity of the story seems to be pointing to some significant end. In which we meet our
creators. That is what the ground work has been laid for, at least on that historically accurate and popular show...
I apologise, I have only watched 3 seasons of Ancient Aliens, so I can not draw a complete correlation between this "historic" event now happening and
our ancient creator beings.
Namasta to you alien creators by the way.
It is strange though, why have they not contacted me? If not to silence me, then to open a porthole for me to enter into the future to see who I truly
Trump and Clinton. I am their relationship. I was also the love triangle between cream, coffee, and sugar. A story for another time.
And if that doesn't make you wonder what piles of candy bar rappers have to do with this election, then I don't think it is possible to pick the right
person for the job.
But someone will, pick a person for the job that is- so don't worry too much.
edit on 21-10-2016 by apydomis because: (no reason