posted on Oct, 21 2016 @ 03:28 PM
And this time, unlike the first world war, it really will be the last. For better or for worse.
Before I start you should know that until 6 months ago I was a MASSIVE sceptic of all conspiracies south of political ones. Especially "New age"
conspiracy. I was/am an Atheist. And I was also a prominent poster on this site. This is the reason I am posting here first as I will be posting this
Anyway, here goes.
I was shown, what I can only describe, as a vision. There I said it.
Roll your eyes! I did. That was until things that I saw started to become reality. Both in may personal life and in the News with the most memorable
being Brexit and the explosion of "The Facebook Rocket". But it was something that happened to me yesterday that prompted me to post this.
If these coincidences keep happening then there is no doubt, at least to me, that before the end of the year we will see the worlds first and last
nuclear war. However, this war is survivable. If you are in Europe, leave the major cities. If you are in Britain, leave. If you are in America,
don't worry your fine for now.
When will you believe me? Aleppo will be destroyed with a Nuclear weapon, I do not know if they did it or not, but the Russians will be blamed.
This will be the cause and the end. Up to 90 million people will die in 3 days, this figure includes pretty much all of Europe's professional ar