posted on Oct, 21 2016 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to:
yep, everything is blamed on the Russians.
Seriously - so far experts do not see Russian fingerprints on this attack. But I would bet that our government and media will keep saying it is the
Russians, and they will blame it on Trump.
I wonder if our own government might be doing all of this to set up something bigger.
They blame Russia for Wikileaks.
Now they will blame the DDoS attack on them.
They are really working on brain washing everyone that the Russians are influencing the election in Trumps favor.
What if (just a theory) they are setting this up so that if Trump wins the election, they will try to say that the Russians hacked the election and
then they will declare the win invalid.
Clinton's people are really worried and have been doing every dirty trick they can think of to stop Trump and his supporters.
This might be their last ditch effort because they are realizing he might actually win. (despite their manipulation of polls)