posted on Oct, 21 2016 @ 09:58 AM
Greetings fellow members, more particularly members from the United States!
Even more particularly, residents of Arizona, I need your opinions.
A friend of mine has recently traveled to Arizona for business. His boss, and a few sturdy fellows, have gone to secure and load some merchandise for
their warehouse here in the UK. The reason for the trip is all by the by however, as the real issue is this:
My friends lady love (who also happens to be my best friend), has been absolutely worried out of her mind about the trip. Shes scared that the plane
he catches in or out, could be hit by lightning and blow up, could be hijacked and blown up, she is worried that he is going to get shot by gangsters,
shot by the police at random, shot by thieves, or just straight up murdered for the merry hell of it. Shes worried that Trump aligned protestors might
carry him away and burn him on a pyre for being British, and worried that some bunch of Hilary supporters might mistake him for a Trump supporter and
do the same thing for different reasons, and all of this fear stems from the fact that the US is a little bit of a hot mess right now, and we out here
in the rest of the world can all see that.
Now, I have a unique perspective on all this, because I have you guys to refer to on a near daily basis, about events that are afoot in your country,
your individual states, and so on, so I am not nearly as concerned as she is.
But what I want to know from members with experience in the area is this...If someone asked you to explain to a hysterical person, exactly what the
dangers are, and are not of being in Arizona for a week, what would you say to them?
I appreciate any and all possible information, that might help me put my friend at some ease about the plight of her man. Thank you very much in