posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 12:33 PM
I’m starting to smell a rat…or a boogeyman to be exact. I haven’t started to believe all the “Zarqawi is not real, he’s is made up”
theories out there yet. But I am starting to wonder. How the heck in the world can this guy operate at such a high volume and not get caught? How
many more “top aids” will be caught or killed before the actual man himself is?
I don’t know about you, but it seems to me about every week we get a “top aid” and never ever seem to get Zarqawi himself. You would think that
a “top aid” would need to spend some time with Zarqawi from time to time. How can we be getting all these guys and somehow not be getting Zarq
Ill tell you one thing: Seems to be that being the wanted guy is the safe bet, but to be an aid of his is suicide. I wonder if even Lloyds of London
would even insure a “Top Aid”?