a reply to:
My Point?
Black helicopters is my point.
Hitler, Stalin an Rosevelt all were masons.
I see now Putin, G.W, Bush, Xi Jinping all in the same free mason outfit.
They zip tea, and we die in their wars.
They are all one and the same and having a good laugh.
It's one big club, called them and we are us.
We die or get legs or arms lost, while they take the profit.
Not one leader of one country that is not a free mason.
You can't become a chief of police if you are not a free mason.
If you read the text on a statue of a president, you will read he was a free mason and a president.
Hitler went after the free masons...just words.
I see Göring make the free mason sign of the hidden hand.
I have heard to many lies about the second world war, I rather trust my own eyes.
Hitler is making handsignals that can't be ignored in the video.
In a lot of pictures he makes the M with his hand, very subtitle, but easy to recognise for the trained eye.
Hitler died at the third of June in 1962.
At the huge estate of Prince Von Lippe Biesterfeld, in Argentina.
The same surroundings as in his homeland, so he would not get homesick.
Or do you see a ordinary average plain old guy here at 59 seconds?
Look s like Adolph to me.
From the Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt secret society's.
They have nothing to loose.
We loose limbs and live, while they prosper, get rich and grow powerful.
Politics and geo-politics, deception and decievement.
And as they are one big family, they all tell the same story.
Telling Osama Bin Laden was a bad Moslim.
Just words. Not a shred of evidence Osame had anything to do with 9/11.
While the Mossad, CIA and FBI have their fingerprints all over the event.
The avoid complicated questions, he is pronaunced dead.
In yet again a even worse story, where a helicopter-tail was placed and the rest is fantasy.
Drag is body in a chopper to an aircraftcarrier, so he could be thrown overboard...yeh, right.
Like Voltaire said, look who you can not critisize.
That are the free masons.
Even Alex Jones will not touch the free masons.
He knows who is boss.
The Free masons are.
Just look at Alex and you know who is running the show.
And if you do not take the clown A Jones seriously, as I do completely understand,
You can look at the political leaders.
All are making the same handsigns as teh leaders did before the second world war.
Hick and the First, the Napolean wars and anything in between.
We are offered, sacrificed in blood rituals.
Carpet bombing, creating a vortex of a firewind.
Oxygen is pulled to the fire so a storm is created.
With their fake moanlandings, their fake apollo and spaceshuttle programs.
The shuttle should return as a glider, but it sounds just like any other jet.
It's an ordinary plane, with ordinary jetengines.
A little strange of shape maybe, but e ordinary plane non the less.
Even when the shuttle has come to a complete stand-still, the engines are clearly running.
And nobody has a brain big enough to wonder how it can be, the shield becomes 4000 degree Celsius, and the tires inches away full of air have no
problems with those conditions.
The Astronauts of the Columbia and the Challenger are all still alive and well.
But let the money coming people, more , more and more.
It's al fake, so they make you feel stupid if you ask qeustions.
We do scientific work, something you do not understand.
Much to complicated for your simple brain.
Free masons are heavily infiltrated in NASA, just like the other organisations where John F Kennedy already warned us about.
Even today, there is great danger he said...and a week later he was dead.
But Kennedy was right. Free masons rule the world.
You can be a leader of a country if you are not a member of that free mason club.
The all seeing evil eye is found on the badge of a Saudi copper;
As in Israel too
They act if they don like each-other, but they are friends belonging to the very same club.
Like Churchill was a freemason first and secondly a Jew.
Like Sarkozy is a freemason first and then a Jew.
A oath between the old nobility, the Tempeliers and the masons.
The masons found themself out of work, after the city walls were forbidden to build by Mazarin.
Huge Castles were not more in demand, Churches were not more build in cathedral proportions.
So the Lords of the castles and the masons came together and divided their power.
No longer inherited the first born son everything, now the other sons got some power too, and did not even have to kill their own brother for it.
Alex Jones does not say a single bad word about freemasons.
So it ain the Soros or capitalists, the Rothschilds, the globalists, the banksters or any other patsy he names.
He is not afraid of the illuminati, but he is afraid of those freemasons.
So there is the place where the real power is to be found.
I will see if I can find taht book, that made of the 25000 freemasons members just 500 members left in place. If they were pictured as a nice ald
fellow botherclub of man, they would not have left the illuminati on such a huge scale .
Maybe that same stunt can be pulled again.
Away with those freemasons.
They use far to ruthless methods, where non of such measures are needed.
The first world war, was nothing less the a huge sacrifice.
Not for their prophet, but for Lucifer.
Free masonry is infiltraded by Jews, piece by piece and bit by bit.
The only ¨Thing¨ Jews worship is Lucifer.
Look at Omaha beach. There is no worse place at the whole of the Atlantic coast, worse suitable to lange an attack on Europe on. Any place is better
to start the invasion of Europe than Omaha Beach.
And you really don have to be a General to see that , those coastline is impossible to take hold of.
It was no d-day. It was the six of june, so 6 and 6 and the attack started at 6 o'clock.
So we have 666.
On the sixt of the sixt month at six in the morning.
For those who believe this something for tinfoil hats I suggest you do some more research.
Sean Hross, although not always right and even at times completelu wrong, he has many good videoś that give a lot of inside.
Alex Jones hate the Guy, and threatens Sean with court orders.
Sean was threatened by black helicopters, got arrested on the streets next to a supermarket with three guns against his head. After being friendly and
after he had shaken the hand of a cop, the cop made a call of 30 a 40 minutes to come back and beat the crap out of Sean.
At the schools play a laser was pointed atr Sean his son, while a girl who was standind infront of his son, made the Baphometh. Sean was put in Prison
and got the OT2 treatment. Lack of oxygen.
The Freemasons even chopped of the leg of his cat.
That is their idea of fun.
Remember the wistleblower who sold 2 cd's with the names of Germans who kept their money in Swiss banks, to avoid the taxman. He was killed. So much
for wistleblowers protection.
Thatś why Julian Assange and Snowden are the worse of the worse.
The ultimate Trojan Horse.
A deadly trap, from where you can't escape.
Assange and Snowden are dangerous traitors!