posted on Oct, 20 2016 @ 03:05 AM
Hi guys,
I dont post here too much, I usually just view the threads and read other peoples opinions and try to understand this really weird planet and I really
feel like everything is just scripted. I've read many things that have come to pass in the future. Next thing that will happen is Hillary Clinton
winning the election.
In 1996, when I was 9 years old, we received a letter that had future events that would happen (we thought it was BS so we didnt pay much attention to
it) and one of them was that Hillary Clinton will be the first woman president of USA. At that time I was young, didnt understand it much, and didnt
see it happening. But after I heard she is running for president, I quickly remembered 1996.
Another thing I remember is Putin would be the president in WWIII. Well after he ended his 8 year period and no WW happened, I thought, that it was
just another bs info. Well, after I heard they changed the constitution so that he could run for president again, it really made me uncomfortable.
Another thing in the letter was: After Hillary Clinton wins the election, WWIII starts...
I remember that it would be: USA + EUROPE + ISRAEL vs. RUSSIA, CHINA, PAKISTAN, IRAN (These are the ones I remember)
Last thing I remember is: Massive destruction of EUROPE (Lots of chemical weapons used).
There were more things written in that letter, but I dont remember it all, its been 20 years since then.
I dont care if anyone believes this or not, I dont like to post too much, but I had to post this as I think it is very relevant the the things that
are going on around us these days.
I always take things with a grain of salt but these few things I remember make me a little worried.
Anyways, thanks for reading, and keep on searching for the TRUTH.