posted on Oct, 19 2016 @ 03:55 AM
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This just in on the unbiased BBC
Ecuador has acknowledged it partly restricted internet access for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is taking refuge at its London
It said Mr Assange had in recent weeks released material that could have an impact on the US presidential election.
BBC Article
It's Wednesday right? and this is just making BBC news today! how long have we at ATS known something was up with Assange and Ecuador.
BBC FYI, Wikileaks, despite its boss being holed up in an embassy, is not run from the Ecuador Embassy, curtailing any access from that location does
not render Wikileaks "dead"
Are you telling me that, by restricting internet access from the embassy, Julian cannot get online? BS. Lots of connections readily available ........
3G, 4G, BT Wifi, BT with FON ...... local home networks, McDonalds, Starbucks, Costa etc etc also, ITS the capital ffs
Tosh and Bollocks, somethings up