posted on Oct, 18 2016 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to:
I would totally agree with you, except we must remember that the POTUS is limited on his/her powers. They won't get to do everything they want because
Congress has some say in the matter. Regardless of who gets the position, the other side in Congress will do everything in their power to stop them.
Just look at what happened to Obama.
I don't like either candidate, but the one thing that the POTUS does have some control over is Supreme Court nominees. This is very important. I know
that Hillary will never nominate a conservative. Trump lies about everything, but he has promised to nominate another Scalia type, and I can't take
that chance.
It sucks big time that I have to vote for someone I don't like, but what choice do I really have? By not voting, I run the risk that the orange one
will win, and the Supreme Court could be screwed. That is my primary motive for voting for Clinton.