posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to:
Who's Darrel Castle? .....said rhetorically, because that's the point. People who are serious about a national run (and not just a "vanity candidate")
need to be either known nationally or affiliated with a party apparatus that can introduce him/her to the general public.
a reply to:
JRC, I commend you for having stuck with the Libertarian Party in all your posts this election season. I say that, because that is what it starts with
in building a party. Loyal participants. I would never vote the LP, but if you can work with and be willing to take years to build up the party as
I've said above, then you could be rewarded with the self satisfaction of participating in American Democracy.
Ballotpedia list of American political parties
As it states, there are "28 distinct ballot-qualified political parties in the United States. There were
214 state-level parties."
There has to be a political party apparatus built for a party to be successful. The goal for a new party is 50 states, local and state elected
officials who can govern. Not just show up on a ballot every four years in 50 states.
Oh, and parties are not just candidates. Parties should have platforms to present to the public. A national platform looks different than a party
platform of a local or regional party. Prove you can govern and have a platform with national appeal. (That was a major problem with Johnson, also, as
he didn't know his own party's platform. But that is also a problem with many voters, because they are only familiar with candidates and not party
But remember, as Ed Koch said, ”If you agree with me on 9 out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a