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Bigfoot filmed in Florida!

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posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: Dan00
Yes, that's sasquatch, having some termites from a rotting tree.

I totally told you guys: he's real.

Pretty sure he is real in the PNW. One winter we went out exploring on a cold rainy day, followed a little stream off trails came to a bend in the stream and saw a bare human footprint in the water on the streambed, it was alone one single print but aimed toward the inside across the water to the far side. The opposite there was no bank instead a cliff it was about 12 ft straight up only a couple ferns on it, about the middle was a hole impressed with knuckle like indentation.

The impression was that we had scared something before we rounded the bend, it took a leap from a log to the streambed and one more half way up the neighboring bank so it jumped from near shore to across about 6 ft of water and up about 5 ft then to the top. it had to have just happened as the fast water soon erased the footprint, my picture of it showed just what looks like a man's footprint the glare of the water makes it hard to see but was very easy to see in person. it was at least as large as my husband's size 13.5 foot. Was NOT a bear print btw.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: Willtell

Another light in the sky?

Another man in a gorilla suit?

We'll never know for sure in an age were people can easily hoax things like a video showing Bigfoot, an alien ship or whatever.

certainly is elusive
you US guys got it bad> its all BS

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 04:33 PM
Guy in a suit,when somebody brings in proof it`ll be believable,but until then,no.As many people are trying to prove they exist and no body,bones,or dna is found they are less and less likely to exist,just a sad fact.Wish they did exist but it`s not likely.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:38 PM
The thing about bigfoot is, there has to be enough of them, males and females, to be able to find each other, smash, and procreate. They would've had to do this successfully for thousands of years, and if they're real we hardly ever see them. I think it's BS.

posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: AtlantisWasReal

Snakes too, plus invasive hippos and crocodiles.

posted on Oct, 19 2016 @ 03:49 PM
Old vid. Already discussed and I think debunked here.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: AtlantisWasReal

That is seriously amazing footage! Definitely looks like Florida, and that is no bear!! Bipedal, but with ape-like movement as well. Fascinating stuff!

No way anyone with even half a brain would wade around that area in a costume, either. The gators alone would be an issue, and don't get me started on the snakes and imported lizards.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 04:13 AM

originally posted by: coop039
Old vid. Already discussed and I think debunked here.

Being debunked here by people whose mind-set is predisposed to discredit anything that contradicts their world-view means, of course, nothing at all. Such debunking is usually typified by absurd comments that seriously suggest that someone would dress up in a monkey suit, wade through crocodile and snake-infested swamps, wait hours for someone to pass by in a canoe and then pretend to snap branches off trees once he knew he had been spotted by this person! Some of you are so divorced from reality that you need psychiatric assistance.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 07:50 AM
As far as I know the two videos are not related.

The one (first) is from 2015 recorded (allegedly) from a canoe by someone called Matt M. and is known as the "Lettuce Lake footage". Most agree that it's a hoax although just from deductions and not 100% proof as far as I know. There are quite a few question marks around the video.

Example of debunking

The second one was filmed in 2013 by Josh Highcliff around Tunica, Mississippi. The footage is considered by many to be some of the best footage of Bigfoot (or the Skunk Ape) as there has not yet been any good or at least very successful attempts to debunk it.

Edit: PS. Have a look at this thread regarding posting of YT videos.
edit on 7/11/2016 by Gemwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 08:15 AM
Looks like a samsquamtch to me.

One of the better videos on this subject.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: AtlantisWasReal

Like em or not, these actually rank pretty high when it comes to the best Bigfoot videos.

I have a feeling that we're going to get some great Skunk Ape evidence in the coming years. THAT or we will just get some pictures of really swampy chimps escaped from the zoo.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: DelmarRozan If theres really something there I would bet on the skunky chimps.I want to believe in bigfoot,but as the years roll by it makes it more unlikely,especially now that everyone has game cameras all over the woods.

posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: AtlantisWasReal
First one there was a thread on here about it last year I think, and looking at this one seems somebody posted it already. All that needs be said has been said on that thread. Though from what I remember it died off quick, could be real, could be fake, either way. Few were saying it was hoaxed and that there was a supposed Bigfoot documentary or short movie being shoot over there, and that the whole thing was hoaxed, have not seen any of that or the supposed short movie and cant say if anybody came out and said they hoaxed it, even the sites were some said it was hoaxed linked to sites about how they think it was hoaxed.

Though it looks pretty real, however anything could have been faked, the camera man there at the end could have turned behind him and you could see a McDonald in the distance through the trees. You never know. It looks like a primate so it could be an escaped chimp which adapted to the Florida wetlands. As I said it died out fast into oblivion, so its anybody's guess.

Now the second one, seems much more likely, and is much more clearer. I have not watched the full vid before, and it is much more clearer then the other. That does not look like chimp for sure, one of the more clearer vids out there, since it was posted in 2013, I am sure there are plenty of opinions on if its real or hoax.

Truth tell. You could capture a HD vid of Bigfoot, clear as day, you can see its eyes and face, hair and body mass, all in crisp 1080p, it can even zoom in on its face and see the spittle come out its mouth. And people would be like "wow that's some great CG right there....Fake"

Anyways video evidence for anything such as Bigfoot or UFO or aliens, has stopped being counted as evidence long ago. And ya you can pretty much fake anything on video these days. But funny that no. Year after year more and more just keep on coming. And going by some there really far out there in there stories complete from Bigfoot is a dimensional travels to some that are linked to UFOs to the whole wildman thing and the missing people.

Anyways you take your pick. Because the vids and sightings dont drop by often, but there are at least a few each year. And some, like the one above were its pretty clear or much clearer that you just got to say, thats got to actually be real, or hoax by somebody. Because there is no blurry and graininess to it, and its clear we got some sort of walking hominid there, or somebody put a lot of effort into hoaxing people for some reason. Who knows why as it will all shortly be forgotten as that vid from last year, and the second one from 2013 has.

Anyways, this guy has a short vid on this whole phenomenon. And all in 7 min and 18 seconds it shows the scope of this whole Bigfoot phenomenon.

edit on 1amMondayam142016f1amMon, 14 Nov 2016 01:05:42 -0600 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2016 @ 04:36 AM
A true hunter
never rests.

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