posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:48 AM
originally posted by: belkide
Meanings of Dreams
When you climb in bed at night, do you ask yourself what your experiences/perceptions of the day 'mean'?
"What did that interesting thing this morning mean?"
"What about the drama after lunch? What does that signify?"
If not, why inquire of yourself on exiting bed the meaning of your nocturnal experiences/perceptions?
You are not experiencing a 'different' Reality!
That being said, we dream in the past/present/future (rather like while 'awake'! *__- ), an amalgam.
Writing down the dreams as soon as you have them, and reading them back in 2 days (arbitrarily chosen) will help you see which part was past, which
present, which future. It's quite interesting.