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If US government is experimenting with timeline technology, US must be nuked immediately

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posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Biigs

What if it doesn't work like that

Theoretical physics are updated every 10-20 years

A workaround always exists

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:48 AM
(I don't think the people in US government are smart enough to hire the people that are smart enough to manipulate the timeline. The US government is a "test" of who can lie the best and get away with their dirty deeds).

A few years ago, I was doing an inspection of an apartment building where the homeowner wanted some work to be done. I was warned that one of the tenants was "weird" and they didn't want me in the apartment alone with him. The guy wasn't weird. He was extremely intelligent, a physicist, doing his thesis on bending time. I started asking him about his thesis. I'm not a dumb person, took 3 semesters of physics in college, but I could barely keep up with what this guy was saying about time. The gist of it was that you should think of time as an inifinite wire that's coiled. Each coil represents a different but parallel time. He did think that these coils sometimes get twisted and there could be breaks where the different timelines get mixed. Then he started talking more about the physics and mathematics to back his thesis thus far. He lost me.

I know that people are genuinely working on theories of time that even 10 years ago would have been thought to be science fiction. However, with the average person or even a little smarter than the average person thinking these people are "weird'" they'll never be hired by the government because they are not "likeable." Unfortunately, I think a lot of these genuinely smart people will either be teaching physics at a local college or saying"do you want frie with that?" because they're not understood.

I rambled. Hope this makes sense.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: opethPA

Hey, lay off least it beats having to avoid another Clinton/Trump thread - LOL

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

No solid proof yet, just rumours for now, but like I said, plenty of "rumours" proved true

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: mistressofspice

You are both right and wrong

They do miss out on talent but they also actively pursue talent and even surveil potential talent for years

I myself was supposed to work for Canadian CSIS until they realised oops this guy actually cares about justice and people


posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:56 AM
But it was Einstein that first altered the space-time continuum, but later the Soviets in order to eliminate Einstein.

Or maybe I have just been playing too much Command & Conquer recently.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: PredatorySociety

That scientist would leak, the tech would be used to take him or her out before they leaked.

With such a device, anything would be possible...even erasing everyone that ever worked on the project, or if not erasing them, altering their timelines to make them none the wiser about the project.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: PredatorySociety
even erasing everyone that ever worked on the project, or if not erasing them, altering their timelines to make them none the wiser about the project.

If they couldnt create it, it would cease to exist, leaving just a rambling madman of a time traveller who knew anything was ever different.

Time to rewatch 12 monkeys? lol

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: PredatorySociety
a reply to: Biigs

As I already wrote answering another member

The technology is just being tested small scale, not yet ready for full blown global operation

I am sure US government is worried about this backfiring

They are not stupid, they are simply evil and heartless

Please explain in detail all the inner workings of this time travel machine. I mean, if you "know" that is't being tested on a small scale, you obviously have some insider knowledge. Please share with it. Unless you are just full of crap. In that case, make it a fantastic story. We like it when things go all John Titor on us.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: PredatorySociety

Pure Fantasy , but go ahead and Speculate to your Hearts Content .

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Biigs

Ahh...but think about it carefully.

Hypothetically, the tech's created, perfected, tested and determined a success.

100 scientists worked on the programme....remember, whatever you do to the scientist's personal timelines, the tech exists.

By using the tech to go back and alter the scientists timelines to erase the memory of the project, the tech would be used to go back and change things right?

In other words, for a time travel device to be effective, it would by necessity have to be insulated from the effects of altering the timeline, or else it would be useless for practical purposes, if it winked out of existence everytime something was they could use it, go back, erase the 100 scientists timeline, and the tech would still be in existence..insulated from the 'temporal effects' (that bit was from the movies) of changing time.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: MysterX

If you are "erasing memories", why not just do that after the machines invented and never alter the scientists time line?


posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:18 AM
Oh sure, everyones a critic now, but you lot completely forgot the original timeline where china and russia were the only superpowers. it was terrible. rice and vodka 3 times a day!

But whatever, at least we got rid of that crap religion Fonzism. didn't see christianity becoming so big in its place though. that was unexpected.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:20 AM
Many within and outside of the USA have said that the USA's "deep state" and black projects are 50 to 150 years ahead of the technology possessed by ordinary people or technology being openly used by corporations and governments. Similar claims have been made regarding France, UK, Israel, Australia and a few other countries.

It is entirely possible that some sort of temporal warfare is going on. When Art Bell first spoke of his experience of the timeline shifting with regard to Nelson Mandela, a number of us realised we were not alone in having particular and specific memories of events that were no longer 'historically' true. I would caution lumping Art Bell's statement and revelations of similar experiences at that same time period with the current spate of 'Mandela effect' youtube videos and threads all over the internet.

At the time of Art Bell's statements on his radio programme, a few of us began to discuss time travel as warfare. From our own experiences of our memories being at variance with the historical record, we supposed that human beings retain within their own bio-energetic structures an accurate record of their experiences in time, and that our experience of possessing memories at variance with the historical record was in fact evidence that some human beings could perceive such tinkering with time. That several of us shared exactly the same memory of an historical event that was no longer historically true encouraged us to look into this for a while with rather fevered intention.

I realised at the time that if such time travel for the purpose of time manipulation was taking place that it would be impossible to alert others to the danger because the argument that the matter is simply 'bad memory' or 'false recall' would be raised invariably to discredit anyone who had the temerity to suggest that something was amiss. Such would be a standard tactic of those using time technology, and it would also be true that as the phenomenon became better known some people would interpret their faulty memory as part of the process being described. That being said, I am convinced that some human beings have the ability to recognise shifts and changes to the timeline, and other human beings do not possess that ability.

edit on 16/10/2016 by Kapriti because: spelling

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:23 AM
This is just speculation, but from studying metaphysics and the more speculative parts of quantum science, I believe multiple timelines exist anyway. Reality is a multiplicity but we inhabit one at a time. So if someone went back in time to kill Hitler, maybe they would come back to a reality where Hitler never existed, but it would be just them.. They would no longer be in the same space as we are..

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: PredatorySociety

The technology is just being tested small scale...

How would we really know that it is only being tested on 'a small scale'? If 'they' are changing the timelines, we would have no idea that they changed.

You stated:

...not yet ready for full blown global operation


When rumours showed up long ago that CIA took over and runs al-qaida, I thought it can't be.

When rumours started circling that US and Saudis created ISIS, I thought it can't be.

Just like when rumours started that 9/11 was a false flag, I thought no way.

These statements are contradictory, 9/11 had worldwide ramifications that are still going on today, and multiple nations fighting ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Honestly, this all sounds like nothing but gobbledygook.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:28 AM

edit on 16-10-2016 by Jennyfrenzy because: double post

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:46 AM
Maybe the US WAS nuked in the original timeline and now we're living in an alternate timeline because the evil US changed it.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: PredatorySociety

You have WAAAAAY too many "if's" to be considered valid. And they can't all be...that would take years and years and STILL be "questionable" sources. Almost all...though some could be correct...are not accurate, are misinterpreted, not valid, speculative etc, etc....

So, you say let the bombs fly? Thats if EVERYTHING you say...everything...could be proven correct. And thats nearly impossible....Video gaming and movies have adversely affected the thought processes of the populace. Even if every single point you make is just "nuke the U.S." may not be the answer....or best option.

With all the above...your suggesting "what-if's" based on unproven facts and conjecture. And the long and short term ATS smarter and more subjective than that with using all what if's from unverified(who's to verify some of these claims?) sources needing to be proven as fact.

Even so...I think IF you are correct...and IF all your sources could be verified and accepted...and IF it was decided nuking would take care of the problem...after all other options....then....

If it was done? Then you couldnt be writing this thread right now....because chain of events would not exist to make you here now....

And yet you are.....
edit on 16-10-2016 by mysterioustranger because: splckr

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: PredatorySociety

yeah - pull on a thread and the whole thing unravels

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