Hello everyone!
I just wanted to explore several events that have happened in my life over the last year or two. I have been having escalating experiences regarding
some stuff that I feel has to do with multiverse theories and divergences overlapping.
Some of the strangest of these experiences involves encounters and glimpses of doppelgängers. The first story involves a trip to a pizza place with
some friends. Our waitress comes up to us, and begins to say that she knows what drinks we are all going to order as we frequent the pizza place and
she has served us before. She even lists them to us, as if this were true. We let her know that this isn't the case, and that two out of the three of
us have never been there before. She then begins to debate us on this, saying that me specifically, always comes here with my friends but I usually
wear glasses. And when we reiterate that its our first time, she then starts to flip out, seemingly becoming overwhelmed by an odd sensation and
stating that she is having a series of déjà vus, occurring one after the other. It's as if her understanding of reality was suddenly being shaken to
the core. She then became very unnerved and apologized profusely, genuinely disturbed and freaked out.
I was very curious what this was about after it happened and have thought about it for quite some time. I now believe she had some kind of slippage
between another dimension's reality and ours, where I indeed did frequent the pizza place with my friends, and she knew what we would order in that
other divergence. The déjà vu reactions were what really struck me as bizarre, but I think that it's likely that you would have a surreal feeling
like that were your energy so suddenly and deeply effected like this.
Often I have out of bodies and lucid dreams, but when I am in the process of falling asleep I enter a hypnagogic 'sweet-spot' where my third eye is
very active. In one such case, I got a very vivid image of a family member in the living room. In one spot, he was at the table, and in the exact same
space there was a doppelgänger of him sitting on the couch. So there were two of this person in the same room. It was an extremely lucid, sudden,
unprompted vision that felt like I was really glimpsing overlapping multiverses from a higher perspective.
Doppelgängers used to be something that really creeped me out, but as I've grown and evolved spiritually these strange visions and occurrences have
happened more frequently. At this point, I have no other choice but to accept the reality of parallel multiverses and the existence of duplicate
bodies of myself and others—although I believe they are like physical clones connected to a hyper-soul/higher self of the individual (which actually
comforts me a bit). I have not seen a doppelgänger of myself, but I have been receiving intuitions that in parallel timelines I am living lifestyles
that I may not be able to fulfill in this particular dimension. So I suppose that would mean I definitely do have doppelgängers in many different
divergences, coinciding with my current existence. I have also had dreams where I've entered myself in other dimensions, and controlled my actions as
if my consciousness took over and synced itself with my sense of self in that realm. This would seem like more validation to me.
I would love to hear other people's stories too, and their thoughts on the phenomenon. Just wanted to share some high strangeness.
edit on
15-10-2016 by Blumenkranz because: (no reason given)
edit on 15-10-2016 by Blumenkranz because: (no reason given)