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"Decade's Most Important Health Event": The Truth About Cancer, Live Symposium.

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posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: RickyD

I'm sorry about your father, I hope that I never have to know a different reality but back to my authoritative tone, the difference between me and Ty Bollinger is that I have had cancer and he hasn't. I'm curious as to why you can be offended by my assumed authority but I can't be offended by his.
edit on 10/15/2016 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 06:02 PM
Marijuana. Despite popular belief, Marijuana doesn't cure Cancer. However, Marijuana improves your bodies natural form of defense from cancer, this is called DNA Repair.

The way you obtain Cancer, is when a Transcription Error is made as a cell is dividing, and instead of creating a perfect copy of the cell, a new Cancerous cell is formed in it's place. What makes the cell Cancerous, is that it does not function correctly, and also has an extremely high rate of reproduction.
Generally speaking, Transcription Errors are caused by damages to the cell that prevent it from reproducing correctly, they can occur from something as simple as a bruise and it's extremely vague because of this as to 'what can' cause Cancer. The way they address this is through weighting probabilities.

Skipping straight to the meat, carcinogens(the weight in objects that determines if they cause cancer), giving an example- Coffee is noted to have a lot of carcinogens. Comparing this to Cigarettes, something with less carcinogens, you would assume you're less likely to get Cancer from smoking, however this is not the case. Taking into account the surface area of the lungs, and the rate you metabolize the Coffee, and other than your stomach there is very little prolonged exposure to the Coffee on individual cells as it passes through your system, you find that carcinogens is only a way to inspect the effect on individual cells. Jumping into a vat of radioactive material would be 'the best' way you can get Cancer, as you would be fully exposed.

Going back to DNA Repair, what happens when two cells in your body have different DNA(Normal, Cancerous, or otherwise) is your immune system attempts to correct this by killing off new Mutated cells in the mitosis stage. You might not know, but you actually have obtained Cancer before, and your body has naturally defeated it. It's only when the Cell division has replicated at a rate beyond what your DNA Repair can fix, that you observe the effect that is known as "Cancer"(the lump). It's interesting to note, Evolutionary Cells caused from Transcription Errors, that would be more beneficial to your system, still have to beat your bodies DNA Repair system to survive and take macro effect, stronger DNA Repair prevents Evolution.

When looking at Marijuana, while having improved DNA Repair might be appreciable, smoking it is an absolute hypocrisy in the face of the idea. I would recommend directly applying Cannabis oils to the face of the Cancerous cells, and for internal consumption, eat edibles etc. All forms of Cancer can benefit from DNA Repair.

When looking at Cancer, there are 3 basic treatments at this hospital; Surgical, Radiation
and Chemo.

The Surgical treatment, the most invasive cuts the Cancer out. This is actually the safest possible method, if the Cancer is near the surface of your skin, and still small. Once out of your body, that's what it is, and is no longer a problem. The other two treatments are slightly more complicated.

Radiation attempts to shrink the Cancer. This is an effort to have it removed via the other two methods in combination, or to sometimes try to get it to shirk and go into remission. This while a treatment, should be very cautious as it both uses radiation and causes cell damage, something we now know can potentially cause cancer.

Last, and certainly least, the well known Chemo. Chemo is often used for badly spreading and internal Cancers. It's basically a chemical attempt to 'reset' your immune system, it doesn't just destroy cancer, it destroys 'everything' in an attempt to fix cells that treated Cancer in your system as if it's 'okay'. This is highly criticized also because it causes massive cell damage.
edit on 15-10-2016 by imjack because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: Kali74

It's something I see a lot on here. People drop into a thread dismissing it off the bat yet they show no reason why I should value their opinion. I learned when taking a writing course as well as any other classes that involved research that you either give sources or give reason to the reader why they should listen to you as an authority on a subject. If one doesn't then as the reader I don't see any reason to think you are the authority you're claiming to be. After you made known why you took the authoritative tone I understood and valued the post much more than when there was nothing backing it up. Nothing against you it's just something I see a lot and I happen to have the time to address it.

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: RickyD

No worries. That's just exactly the same reaction I have to this type of pseudoscience, especially when it comes to cancer. That's actually the 1st I've clearly discussed my health issues here. Superstition gets even those of us that trust science.

It occurred to me as I was writing this post that maybe I made you feel like a jerk for not knowing, I apologize if so... that was not my intention.

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Kali74

No it was fine...I try to be a polite but to the point upfront person. I don't, however expect to know a person from online or their life...unless they tell me. That was my point in the beginning. I saw your post and was about to completely dismiss it before I decided to ask in order to make a point about...well we already did all that. Also I am glad things worked out well in your case losing my father slowly now give me a whole new perspective on cancer and am greatly cheered when I hear of success stories. My father has opted to quit chemo since they ran out of treatments that he could handle (he is weak and 75 years old weighing like 103lbs now) so he is in hospice now. He has slowly gotten his taste back and has put a few pounds back on as well as a slow fading of other difficult to deal with symptoms. He has an abnormally up beat way about him even still which amazes me.

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 09:14 PM
I had a dream and in it....cancer was a mould....pennicillin introduced mycotoxins which eventually supported a sympathetic cancer dynamic...additives put in our drinking water build a home for the parasites which produce the chemicals that make a perfect environment for the moulds to grow in inside of us.Cancer can ALL be cured if it is caught in time for our auto-immune systems to recover us....its simply a mould.Dreams are anti-parasitics will give you a chance to live your full lifetime cancer free.....ALL cancers are caused by moulds says my dream....and are easy to cure if you catch them in time...everyone should begin anti-mould treatments ASAP no matter who you are or how you lived your life or your age.In my dream a person in a mould infested house took anti-biotics and was overtaken by symptoms of an overdose....the mycotoxins present in the body already due to the mouldy house had filled the body and when MORE mycotoxins in the Pennicillin were ADDED it caused an overdose of mycotoxins in the body.......the Emergency doctors valuated and decided that there was no allergic reaction present and i was OK to carry on with the medicine...but in my dream the person didnt buy the diagnosis as being complete....accurate that no ALLERGIC REACTION WAS PRESENT but inaccurate in that an OVERDOE OF MYCOTOXINS was occuring.

In my dream a 4 day fast killed adult parasites and registered an increase in auto-immune efficieny.
In my dream a Sweat Lodge brought the internal body temp up high enough to kill all living stages of parasites AND cooked their eggs in the body.......providing immediate relief.
In my dreams the milk of the Bacterian camel which eats a lot of anti-parasitic plants has relieving effects to parasite infections.
In my dream a fruit used to make tea by a Japaneeses village taken twice a day allowed them to post the highest life spans on earth..... which we are told about.
In my dream green black walnut husks and cloves helped kill parasites as did other foods.

In my dream killing parasites and mould was a lot easier than trying to play god.

edit on 15-10-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: one4all
Dreams can be nice.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 12:45 AM
Cancer isn't curable? To the people cured and who don't have it return that simply is not true!

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: Unity_99
Cancer isn't curable? To the people cured and who don't have it return that simply is not true!

Take a number of people with the same cancer and give them the same treatment: some will have total and permanent remission, some will have partial remission, some will have temporal remission and for some the treatment will not work at all. Which means the treatment was not a cure as it did not cure all.

Cancer is complicated because it's not a single disease but hundreds of diseases that affect each person in different ways. We have various treatments, but we are yet to find 'a' cure.

posted on Oct, 16 2016 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Kali74

Cancer isn't curable, period

You really feel that way? Wow.... Do some research online. You will realize you have been fooled by Big Pharma and Government. I remember when I once thought the same way you did, even though many years ago. I am glad I woke up...

posted on Oct, 17 2016 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: apoc36

Show us the scientific evidence to support your claim, then.

posted on Oct, 18 2016 @ 02:15 AM
One of the most difficult dilemmas facing healthcare professionals working in oncology settings is whether, when and how much to tell cancer patients about their prognosis. Most elderly people wish to be informed of a diagnosis of cancer. In fact, goserelin acetate has been applied to cancer research now.

posted on Oct, 18 2016 @ 02:16 AM
As a rule of thumb (and one which hasn't let me down yet) generally anything referring to health which has "The Truth About.." in the title tells anything but.

posted on Oct, 18 2016 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: Pardon?

I saw David Crosby a couple of months ago. As the lead in to this song he told a story about George Harrison and the Maharishi. He (David) may have made the whole thing up but it doesn't change that it was true. Bottom line was, "When someone tells you they have the answers, turn and walk away. Because they want something from you."

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