Marijuana. Despite popular belief, Marijuana doesn't cure Cancer. However, Marijuana improves your bodies natural form of defense from cancer, this is
DNA Repair.
The way you obtain Cancer, is when a
Transcription Error is made as a cell is
dividing, and instead of creating a perfect copy of the cell, a new Cancerous cell is formed in it's place. What makes the cell Cancerous, is that it
does not function correctly, and also has an extremely high rate of reproduction.
Generally speaking, Transcription Errors are caused by damages to the cell that prevent it from reproducing correctly, they can occur from something
as simple as a bruise and it's extremely vague because of this as to 'what can' cause Cancer. The way they address this is through weighting
Skipping straight to the meat, carcinogens(the weight in objects that determines if they cause cancer), giving an example- Coffee is noted to have a
lot of carcinogens. Comparing this to Cigarettes, something with less carcinogens, you would assume you're less likely to get Cancer from smoking,
however this is not the case. Taking into account the surface area of the lungs, and the rate you metabolize the Coffee, and other than your stomach
there is very little prolonged exposure to the Coffee on individual cells as it passes through your system, you find that carcinogens is only a way to
inspect the effect on individual cells. Jumping into a vat of radioactive material would be 'the best' way you can get Cancer, as you would be fully
Going back to DNA Repair, what happens when two cells in your body have different DNA(Normal, Cancerous, or otherwise) is your immune system attempts
to correct this by killing off new Mutated cells in the mitosis stage. You might not know, but you actually have obtained Cancer before, and your body
has naturally defeated it. It's only when the Cell division has replicated at a rate beyond what your DNA Repair can fix, that you observe the effect
that is known as "Cancer"(the lump). It's interesting to note, Evolutionary Cells caused from Transcription Errors, that would be more beneficial to
your system, still have to beat your bodies DNA Repair system to survive and take macro effect, stronger DNA Repair prevents Evolution.
When looking at Marijuana, while having improved DNA Repair might be appreciable, smoking it is an absolute hypocrisy in the face of the idea. I would
recommend directly applying Cannabis oils to the face of the Cancerous cells, and for internal consumption, eat edibles etc. All forms of Cancer can
benefit from DNA Repair.
When looking at Cancer, there are 3 basic treatments at this hospital; Surgical, Radiation
and Chemo.
The Surgical treatment, the most invasive cuts the Cancer out. This is actually the safest possible method, if the Cancer is near the surface of your
skin, and still small. Once out of your body, that's what it is, and is no longer a problem. The other two treatments are slightly more
Radiation attempts to shrink the Cancer. This is an effort to have it removed via the other two methods in combination, or to sometimes try to get it
to shirk and go into remission. This while a treatment, should be very cautious as it both uses radiation and causes cell damage, something we now
know can potentially cause cancer.
Last, and certainly least, the well known Chemo. Chemo is often used for badly spreading and internal Cancers. It's basically a chemical attempt to
'reset' your immune system, it doesn't just destroy cancer, it destroys 'everything' in an attempt to fix cells that treated Cancer in your system as
if it's 'okay'. This is highly criticized also because it causes massive cell damage.
edit on 15-10-2016 by imjack because: (no reason