a reply to:
You're quite welcome for the inspiration; I'll give you some more fuel for thought that requires none...
Self ropelled car
There is a ton of disinfo on this vehicle the one imaged is not even complete and all text on it obscured why? Well to make petro the same as what was
done with free energy from telsa is it is free? Then how can anyone profit for that drug dealer first sample is free comeback?
Ford invented the truck so more people could have liesure time making work much shorter not leave the land miles and miles away sit in traffic yadda
yadda yadda.
That old way of self sufficenicy and D.I.Y. I know how to do pretty much all of that sort of thing build and design houses from the ground up;
boating/fishing/knots, motors electric/gas, circuitry, pumbling, farming, etc. etc. skills rare to come by and the reasoning is because people are
happy to sell their lives out in throw away econimics that end up as huge trash piles in other countries to recycle and sift through... when the ink
in a damned printer costs more than a new printer it's what cheaper in the "consumers" mind to throw away, donate, or whatever and get a new printer
than keep the old and pay for more ink... lazer printers of course are the better long term option.
But anyway the car mentioned above... it was a clock work mechanism with a belows and gearing the tank compressed air from the bellows as the rope
around the axle winded and unwinded based on the upper ratchet system to crank the bellows like coo coo clocks run, this filled the ballon system to
spin the wheels and the compressed air tank had a valve to release it like a throttle.
The disinfo said the fellow stopped for fuel perhaps they twisted it into the fuel in his stomach when he stopped to eat... you know how those sorts
of things go; truth but umm half the truth for cover and yet retain integrity.
Some of the best engineers always had the curious mind of taking everything apart to see how it worked and functioned that's how I learned keen
observation no words needed. Subject and object one and the same thing as one observes what is occuring in the chain of events.
In combustion there is the 3 cycles called suck(air), bang(fire), blow(exhaust).
O course moving into the future? So much economy is tied up and used as an excuse to stay on such old cycles in society as world economics in trade
etc. etc. of course this excuse has been used since the industrial revolution, and many places around the world have yet to even have one... they are
argragain and yet so much food goes to waste due to standards that they just get thrown away; yet competition says oh we have live stock covered so
dont use the excess for livestock production.
Those sorts of countries need monoply of coroprate entities to be ousted... here in the US Mexico is a threat because they have their own brands for
things that would compete with US brands the same goes for Canada on a topic of sheet rock and gypsum I had with someone here a few months ago.
So thinking of the world as a factory the corporate interests in various countries need to balance of course when one grows to such great
heights(bayer) for instance from aspirin(scrapped willow bark) from the herbology of the natives taken for medicine and pharmaceuticals while the
indigienous population was lay to waste in abject suffering... when explorers in Alaska discovered gold mums the word as they bought it from Russia
and then took the huge nuggets of gold called placers and formed the first mint to start fueling the economy based on those gold reserves.
Resourceful lil monkeys and devious ones too aren't we? Of course control of resources require control of people and then that also means control of
information which requires disinfo/secret agencies, agents and spies on all sides... now if this is to play the people behind all of these lines and
no one in government etc really are enemies like wrestling hollywood style being fake? Then talk about a revolt... 1984 the movie was kinda the result
of a Hilteresque timeline, experimentation Kafkaesque, etc. etc. so when people are used as one huge experiment then we sort of know how the so called
grand design works and the planning that goes on surrounding it without all the lines of demarcation drawn on maps, minds, and in hearts.
Hate doesn't cease by hate... and well brakes on that car is simply a lever as a fulcrum against the spinning wheel as the valve is closed.