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Is it too late to organize a million person march on Washington?

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posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Picklesneeze

Until they realize it gets in the way of the NFL season.

Beer beer gimmie beer

posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 01:24 PM
Dont you need to obtain a permit to have a march in Washington? Its our right, as long as we get permission. Can people be arrested for unlawful assembly without a permit? I would like to see them put a million people in jail.

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: misskat1
Dont you need to obtain a permit to have a march in Washington? Its our right, as long as we get permission. Can people be arrested for unlawful assembly without a permit? I would like to see them put a million people in jail.

If clinton changes the SCOTUS you just might see a million people in jail. And be one of them since we are on a conspiracy site she hates.

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: mobiusmale

If I had the technical expertise, I would do this. All that needs to be done is to start a website and list each of the Deceitful and Controversial items from the Wiki-leaked e-mails, as they arrive and are found. Naturally, each item would need to be explained, and with a reference hyperlink to the source document at the WikiLeaks website.

This would accomplish more than a March on Washington. The problem with the Wiki-leaked documents is that the information which shows the many bad sides of Hillary, is coming in bits and spurts.

Julian Assange said that the 4 people he has working on these +100,000 documents, are categorizing them, but not prioritizing them. As they "scrub" each one for accuracy, they're put in the hopper to be released. After a certain amount is in the hopper, they're put out in a batch. I don't think we've had anywhere near 100,000 e-mails released since September 20th have we? (9/20 was when Assange said over 100,000 are coming)

If there was a website that accumulated these Anti-Hillary items and presented each one as a little write-up, you'd have one hell of a powerful tool that's simultaneously, Anti-Hillary and Pro-Trump. Why Donald Trump hasn't done this yet is beyond me. He's great and pointing out the items at his rallies. But when Wednesday's Hillary DIRT arrives, people forget about the Monday and Tuesday Hillary Dirt. That's why a running website is needed to compile and explain it.

Sometimes I think that Donald Trump has a "Hillary Buster" ready to unload, when the time is right. His body language, combined with tone of voice, is that of a man who is very confident. That's the kind of President we need. Compare that against Hillary's pauses and forced smiles. (barf)

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: mobiusmale

If I had the technical expertise, I would do this. All that needs to be done is to start a website and list each of the Deceitful and Controversial items from the Wiki-leaked e-mails, as they arrive and are found. Naturally, each item would need to be explained, and with a reference hyperlink to the source document at the WikiLeaks website.

This would accomplish more than a March on Washington. The problem with the Wiki-leaked documents is that the information which shows the many bad sides of Hillary, is coming in bits and spurts.

Julian Assange said that the 4 people he has working on these +100,000 documents, are categorizing them, but not prioritizing them. As they "scrub" each one for accuracy, they're put in the hopper to be released. After a certain amount is in the hopper, they're put out in a batch. I don't think we've had anywhere near 100,000 e-mails released since September 20th have we? (9/20 was when Assange said over 100,000 are coming)

If there was a website that accumulated these Anti-Hillary items and presented each one as a little write-up, you'd have one hell of a powerful tool that's simultaneously, Anti-Hillary and Pro-Trump. Why Donald Trump hasn't done this yet is beyond me. He's great and pointing out the items at his rallies. But when Wednesday's Hillary DIRT arrives, people forget about the Monday and Tuesday Hillary Dirt. That's why a running website is needed to compile and explain it.

Sometimes I think that Donald Trump has a "Hillary Buster" ready to unload, when the time is right. His body language, combined with tone of voice, is that of a man who is very confident. That's the kind of President we need. Compare that against Hillary's pauses and forced smiles. (barf)

No it's that the wiki leaks AND DNC emails don't contain anything that isn't normal operating procedure for Washington and made legal years ago..which is dirty, but no politician living today's fault.

Stay a partisan hack as Trump emarasses the country...

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