I can say nothing constructive to alleviate your dismay and terror. I can only say I share it, and that you're not alone.
It has indeed become utterly impossible to broach or discuss the things about both candidates which I earnestly believe
do warrant discussion
on a conspiracy themed website (or, as you said, even in my personal life with dear friends,) because along with the singular, nuanced, lone aspect of
the tapestry you wish to drill down on and discuss, comes the whole ball of wax that is propaganda, exaggerations, hyperbole, and sensationalism.
There are things about both candidates that terrify me - their affiliations, their words, their policies and the fickleness thereof, and yes, while I
agree that a lot of the Benghazi and email 'stuff' has been hyperbolized, even some of the things those leaked emails suggest (most recently the
Podesta Saudi ties.) But they are so buried in or tangled up in all of the rest, and talking about any of it makes people so hyper-polarized, it
renders discussion paralyzed.
And that's not even taking into account my social anxiety and abhorrence of conflict. >_< Talking to people right now is like a minefield, no matter
how careful you are to point out that you respect everyone and harbor no one any ill will.
I can't decide which is scarier: That this might be intentional on both campaigns' parts, to obfuscate, confuse, entrench, and polarize, to deflect...
or that there's no hidden hand on the steering wheel, and we're just witnessing an emergent behavioral CF the likes of which we have never seen in
this country's political history to date. That we're, as a people, finally completely losing the plot.
I know it's a tired refrain, one I've made on this site since I joined it more than ten years ago... and I also know I'm not a particularly visible
member (by choice) so it likely doesn't have much effect... but we
have to be able to talk to each other. Nothing will ever change if we can't
do that simple thing - just sit and talk to one another. Entertain one another's positions even if we don't embrace them. Respect one another, hear
one another out, understand what it is that's aggrieving one another. And then care about that. (Yes. Actually care about it. Call me crazy.)
But our ability to really do that hasn't increased, despite the internet and the "information" age. When it comes to these particular topics and
dynamics... it's declining.
On a lighter note...
I've also entertained the passing notion that maybe I stroked out or had an embolism, died and am now wandering through the pits of Hell. Say what you
will - but look around... it's not a totally insane thought.
My friend and I actually considered briefly that a halfhearted attempt we made a little over a year ago to shift realities (on a lark, not serious)
while possibly in an altered state, had actually succeeded lol. Yes, it's that crazy currently.
edit on 10/14/2016 by AceWombat04 because: (no reason given)