posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 09:23 AM
I'm voting for Trump, but I can concede it doesn't look good at the moment. There is no power on this Earth that could change my vote. I myself am a
man of faith, I doubt Trump is and I feel no guilt about it, as the alternative is Hillary Clinton. Regardless of who wins there is no going back to
pre 2016 politics. The GOP is dead to me, there is no place for me in the Democratic party. I believe lots of other Trump supporters feel the same.
Regardless of the electoral college vote I do think that the popular vote is going to be fairly close. Unlike prior elections, I'm not inclined to
simply say "this is how our system works" and wait for midterms or the next general. I've already got a list of Republicans who are against Trump and
they will never receive my support in the future. If anyone would like it
here it is .
Regardless of the outcome, any faith that the populace had in the media to be impartial in political coverage is dead, that is a good thing. The GOP
establishment has truly earned the name "Cuckservative". I'm pretty excited about any legacy movements that come out of Trump supporters. Imagine
someone with the platform of his recent speeches in Florida,
here is the full text, who doesn't
have his bagage. If you think lots of people hate Obama just wait and see the hate if Hillary is President. I'm of the opinion that if she is for it I
must be against it even if it was something I'd normally support. Were she not so obviously someone who deserved to be in jail that might be
different, I'm no Obama fan, but he did nothing I'm aware of deserving incarceration before he was in office.
The Constitution is obviously dead,buried, and it's grave pissed on by Democrats and Republicans. I'm not quite finished mourning it, when I am, I'm
willing to contemplate what comes next and how we get there.
edit on 15-10-2016 by jefwane because: (no reason given)