posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to:
don't assume he would have 'never been caught on tape' he never would have known about it, on an island lots of sun, lots of light and places to hide
a camera, also a rich guy like Epstein could be a lens that could see in very bad light, but of course this seems like it could also just be anon
trying to get attention about something they thought up, who knows? I guess we'll see, my bets in the wikileaks emails there will be frank discussion
of Epstein and what to do about Bill's little problems with regard to how that looks, in them they will discuss trying to slander Trump precisely the
way they have with talking video clips that they sat on and held. Assange was right in that he said this will end her career if the media gets forced
to call attention to what everyone else already knows. Plus there might even be ideas to deflect such as calling it a Russian Conspiracy, by doing
this they are hoping that it maybe not in there, and trying to cover it up by making BS rabbit holes and hoping media would take the bait. Most likely
the leaks were inside jobs, possibly even US intel agencies getting revenge for her seeming to get away with her server crime. Nothing spurs on the
NSA or any other Intel group like revenge for something that got people killed.
edit on 14-10-2016 by bubbabuddha because: (no reason given)