posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:08 AM
If, for example, Canadians know, or Americans know, then the whole series of operations would never work. In order to obtain the kind of information
alluded to here, most people involved, let alone the public, would never be briefed as to the main point of each of the operations in the series.
Course the end result will be public: that is the point - exposure.
But these kinds of op's can only do so much: with the information disclosed, in the end the fate of our future DOES rest with you, the people. If
you choose to be manipulated as you have been - obviously not all, specially excluding people on ATS - then that is YOUR fault. The blame rests
soley on YOU, the people.
It is easy to see the priorities of people in North America, and they are NOT taking control of their lives. Rather, they are immersed in seudo-pop
culture and materialism on a grand scale which is an excellent distractor. If the reader agrees thus far, then "black" technology can be used in a
"good" way. For example, instead of sending subliminal messages through carrier signals via radio waves or cell phone frequencies, saying, for
example, "Go spend all your money now! at Nieman Marcus", the opposite subliminal message can be sent.
YOU the people are responsible for your future, not the American Government and their International Corporate friends. What will it take, an
International civil war to "reset" YOU the peoples priorities? Well, most appear too spineless to even think about it. What is the answer: White
Op's, funded by X Government with the infastructure to counteract the dominating forces that are existent in our lives today. That is the
But not every part of the world has so much distraction. I find Europeans to be incredibly indivdualistic and almost overly cynical in relation to
their Governments. After all of the torment suffered In Europe, specially in Poland and Germany, they understand at a level I still do not how evil
and digusting politics can be. The streets are filled with much more serious, thoughtfilled eyes. Perhaps the naivetivity of North Americans is,
right now, both their good trait and downfall.
[edit on 24-1-2005 by freudling]