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We Need An International Task Force

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posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:29 PM
One that is not currupt like every other International Political organization. In theory, the UN is great and it does have significant Canadian intervention. However, that is of course not enough. We need to regain control of what happens with our tax dollars and rather than set up an International group of white collar hacks, set up not only that, minus the hacks, but have hands on forces waiting for deployment for investigative purposes as well as clean up purposes. Not only that, but they should have the power to arrest people in other countries.

Of course, almost impossible to do, but once in a position of power, I could establish such a Force. Any thoughts on the UN, Interpol, or like organizations?

The solution is obvious though: we the people are the solution, but power corrupts...

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by freudling
Of course, almost impossible to do, but once in a position of power, I could establish such a Force. Any thoughts on the UN, Interpol, or like organizations?

The solution is obvious though: we the people are the solution, but power corrupts...

So how exactly does this inspire me with the confidence that you will not be corrupted too? Why would I want to give you the power to arrest anybody? Yeah, you just keep thinking the US will agree to anything that allows an outside organization to arest its citizens.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 03:46 PM
Oh, that's really great. Another government bureaucracy and army to tell us what to do and attack us if we "get out of hand".

Just what I've always wanted.

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 04:13 PM
You raise good points, but I feel we have to construct something form scratch, without any outside influences. Perhaps a better way to do this is, once in a position of power, I could set up black ops that are actually intended to have morally sound goals. That way, I could siphon out parts of the military and use them for the operations. So lets call it White Ops. It's much better that way since the public won't know about it and thus, the other Nations "won't" either. The goal? Stream sensitive information to the public: not all Nations are willing and supporting the US. Remember Jean Cretchen's refusal to support the US with ground troops in Iraq just after Sept. 11? He cancelled his visit to Canada. Some of us are still existing on our own terms out there, whatever the fxxx that means.

[edit on 23-1-2005 by freudling]

posted on Jan, 23 2005 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by freudling
Perhaps a better way to do this is, once in a position of power, I could set up black ops that are actually intended to have morally sound goals. That way, I could siphon out parts of the military and use them for the operations. So lets call it White Ops. It's much better that way since the public won't know about it and thus, the other Nations "won't" either.

And other than the new terminology, this would be different from how it is now, in what way? Are the rest of us supposed to let you decide what is morally right for us?

On a side note, how exactly are you planning on achieving power? I'd like to be prepared for your new policies.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 12:06 AM
freudling says:

"You raise good points, but I feel we have to construct something form scratch, without any outside influences."

Except for Adolf Freudling, of course.

"Perhaps a better way to do this is, once in a position of power, I could set up black ops that are actually intended to have morally sound goals."

"Morally sound" as defined by Adolf Freudling.

"It's much better that way since the public won't know about it..."

But ol' Adolf Freudling would know, wouldn't he?

"...Some of us are still existing on our own terms out there, whatever the fxxx that means."

What it means to me is that if anyone who thinks like you gets actually gets into power, some of us anti-fascist types will hopefully blow him away.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 12:48 AM
If you ever do come into power freudling, I'll be over at Off_The_Street's place having a bar-b-q. I'll even bring him beer, he just has to let me know what kind he likes. And if you want to impose any morally sound goals on me, could you please just run it past him first? That's a very large gun in his avatar.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 02:15 AM
Well, you guys are great for speaking your mind. Secrecy is the first priority when trying to expose or manipulate something in a Political context. The morally sound goals are thus: to gather intelligence on the interworkings of the US and other like Governments and exploit the significant wrong doings in rather sophisticated ways. Now that extends far beyond anything that could be summed up on this site.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by freudling
Well, you guys are great for speaking your mind. Secrecy is the first priority when trying to expose or manipulate something in a Political context.

Well, I don't think you'll find that's a quality that is lacking in most here

The whole point of the thing is to deny ignorance. So, if your goals are a big hush-hush secret, how can I know that they are what you say they are? If it was truly secret, then I would surmise that you have probably lied to me as to your intentions. If you hadn't, they wouldn't be very secret now, would they?

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:08 AM
If, for example, Canadians know, or Americans know, then the whole series of operations would never work. In order to obtain the kind of information alluded to here, most people involved, let alone the public, would never be briefed as to the main point of each of the operations in the series. Course the end result will be public: that is the point - exposure.

But these kinds of op's can only do so much: with the information disclosed, in the end the fate of our future DOES rest with you, the people. If you choose to be manipulated as you have been - obviously not all, specially excluding people on ATS - then that is YOUR fault. The blame rests soley on YOU, the people.

It is easy to see the priorities of people in North America, and they are NOT taking control of their lives. Rather, they are immersed in seudo-pop culture and materialism on a grand scale which is an excellent distractor. If the reader agrees thus far, then "black" technology can be used in a "good" way. For example, instead of sending subliminal messages through carrier signals via radio waves or cell phone frequencies, saying, for example, "Go spend all your money now! at Nieman Marcus", the opposite subliminal message can be sent.

YOU the people are responsible for your future, not the American Government and their International Corporate friends. What will it take, an International civil war to "reset" YOU the peoples priorities? Well, most appear too spineless to even think about it. What is the answer: White Op's, funded by X Government with the infastructure to counteract the dominating forces that are existent in our lives today. That is the MANDATE.

But not every part of the world has so much distraction. I find Europeans to be incredibly indivdualistic and almost overly cynical in relation to their Governments. After all of the torment suffered In Europe, specially in Poland and Germany, they understand at a level I still do not how evil and digusting politics can be. The streets are filled with much more serious, thoughtfilled eyes. Perhaps the naivetivity of North Americans is, right now, both their good trait and downfall.

[edit on 24-1-2005 by freudling]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 05:32 AM

Makes you wonder (Thats if it's true unable to verify )

Can anyone else ??

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 10:27 AM
Look no further

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 12:15 PM
Ateam: love it. As for that above link about the infrastructure for martial law, that seems hard to swallow. Although, Iraq has it now, don't they?, and foreign troops under the guise of the UN are enforcing it. Perhaps the way they are going to do it is stage a conflict with the US (whatever Nation), and the US will be at war, all BS stuff and then ya' all will be under martial law as the final step. Like a Hollywood movie playing out, perhaps that is what is going to happened.

But again, YOU the people are too blame. YOU the people have already decided for yourselves where your priorities are. YOU the people have bought in so much. YOU the people are responsible for all of this: to the contractors building the facilities driven by money and thus greed to that 25 year old M&M wannabe spending all that cash on chics, clothes, cars, etc., to the nuclear family with the new Chrysler Daimler and seasons tickets to the Yankee's games. Do you think the Rothcild's or the Bush administration give a fxxx about those kinds of things? Right, and neither should you. All DISTRACTORS. To beat these guys, your first step is to STOP being distracted.

But I find it hard to believe that something like that is being planned, since the situation in the rest of world is so much different. Is the US the only ones who will suffer this Nazi like era? If yes, as if others wouldn't intervene, although the US has so many dang enemies. But it doesn't really matter: speculation. What needs to be done is for you Americans to stop focussing energy away from your lives and start focussing on getting them back!

To ALL Americans: when this stuff happens, if it does, you will be speechless. They really lured you in. Imagine Mary Jane rotten crotch and her pretty pink panties; Sammy Sosa; Flex Wheeler; that smiley next door neighbour who washes his car on Saturdays. You guys will be speechless, and you won't know what to do. If this happens, I bow to the guys who formulated the plan.

Lastly, as the bible says - sorry, I hate using the bible and never usually do - around this time that God will be disguised as the Devil and the Devil disguised as God. Could Bin Laden be our saviour?

[edit on 24-1-2005 by freudling]

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 12:24 PM

Just wanted to point something out. If your operations will require the utmost secrecy and the ignorance of the US and Canadian public, than haven't you kind of shot yourself in the foot, by posting it to a conspiracy website?

Since you've really already blown the whole op, I guess there's not much point in continuing in your quest for power. I'd wish you well in your quest, but well, I don't. Don't need anyone telling me how to think, thanks.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 12:29 PM
But who really is "freudling?"

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 12:34 PM
Well, if push came to shove, I guess the mods could look up your IP and email addresses. That might give them a starting point.

The point I was trying to make is that if you want to keep a secret, don't tell anybody. That's how it stays a secret.

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