posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 01:33 PM
Hello, it's very interesting that you would take a name that was given to you from a Ouija board. Here is my story... i'll make this short as
possible, this is basically the first post i've replied to..anyway... i always had a Ouija board in my home, never really played around with it,
don't even know why it was in my home to begin with, but when i was 18 me and some friends of mine took it to a haunted house, and my town is loaded
with old houses that are suppose to be haunted, this particular one we went to has been boarded up for some 50 years now, beautiful home too, perfect
shape, very popular house, back in the 50's a family lived there, married couple with 2 kids i believe, the father went psycho one day, shot his wife
and kids in the basement then hung himself, so the whole family died in this house, so that pretty well explains why no one has bought the house... so
me and my friends , at night, took the Ouija board to the house, stood out on the front lawn, broke the board in two pieces.. burnt it, and left.. i
seriously don't know why we did it, just young and clueless i guess. well this is the weird part.. for the next like year i was terribly depressed,
at 18 mind you.. became very suicidal, actually attempted suicide.. and spent half ayear in a psychiatry unit in the hospital....... now i strongly
beleive we disturbed a negative spirit of some sort, i don't know what i mean by that.. but could there be a possibility that i did something wrong?
i mean i was 18, popular kid at school, played on the hockey team, had good looking girlfriends, and all that good stuff, then my life took a turn in
the opposite direction.. i dunno what i'm saying i guess i'm still looking for answers today because that was a very confusing time... that incident
stands out in my mind today, for whatever reason... and people say don't mess with Ouija boards, or don't mess with the dead.