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Non Americans . Who do you hope gets in . Trump or Clinton .

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posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Pistoche

You do know that money is a scam right? Created by banks and borrowed to you (with interest), with no real value. The banks decide how much it is worth and when you have to repay it - its a scam!

But yeah sure, the economy is "fine"...

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: Pistoche

And to the OP, I don't know why you're acting surprised at these results: Yes, if you come to a right-leaning website and ask this question, you should know the answer before even making this thread. Go and ask the Daily Kos this same question and you'll get the opposite answer. mean ATS is right wing? Who knew....I certainly didn't, but I guess this now answers my question as to why so many are in favour of Trump.


P.s This isn't sarcasm I genuinely am saying the above.
edit on 10-10-2016 by solargeddon because: Typo

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 06:52 AM
I'm from England and if i had to vote it would be for the Trumpster. Hillary is proving to have been in the past and still is a liar and criminal. Also she has been Secretary of State and could have made certain changes while she was in that position. All i see really is that she seems more bothered about things happening outside America.

At least in Donald you would get someone new with a different approach and different ideas for your great country. You know what you are getting with Hillary, more lies and deceit. Dont do it to yourselves, try something new and VOTE TRUMP.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 07:01 AM
Neither. The West doesn't need more politicians, but a less corruptible system. I won't lend support to any politician until that happens

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 07:16 AM
Definately not for warmonger Hilary... No war for me in my backyard thank you very much whilst you are comfortable in your bunker on the other side of the North Atlantic...

I would vote for Trump.

I dedicate this song to him (listen to the chorus for those who don't know the song) :



posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 07:35 AM
a reply to: solargeddon

Well, I certainly never saw this website as being a right wing site. Historically, this sites membership have been anti-government, regardless of which parties have been in power in the US. If you get a right wing government, the people here, regardless of their affiliation or voting history, tend to be on the side of the people, because that side is never the side adopted by government or those elected into it.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Lol, classic.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: Lagomorphe

Definately not for warmonger Hilary... No war for me in my backyard thank you very much whilst you are comfortable in your bunker on the other side of the North Atlantic...

That's the problem as I see it too. The US government likes to start these wars all over the place, but they always happen on the other side of the planet. That's why many people support the warmonger Clinton. "So what if she starts a war? Won't hurt me here at'll give me something to watch on the tele tonight..."

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: hutch622
You may say why does it matter to non US citizens but lets face it American foreign policy and its economy effects the whole world . Keep it simple please , who and why if you feel the need to go that far . For me its Trump . Why , i just dont trust Hillary , i guess its her smug look . Oh i am Australian .

I am a Mancunian working class guy but am also an American citizen and I am for Trump.
Clintons corruption and total flat out lies are beyond words.

Trump is pulled up on his words but Hilary Clintons actions that have cost the lives of thousands are stuffed under the living room rug by the MSM.

If she gets in we are [email protected] of us that like free speech that is and that's if we survive a Nuclear War with Russia.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: hutch622
You may say why does it matter to non US citizens but lets face it American foreign policy and its economy effects the whole world . Keep it simple please , who and why if you feel the need to go that far . For me its Trump . Why , i just dont trust Hillary , i guess its her smug look . Oh i am Australian .

I wouldn't trust either as far as I could throw them, therefore I hope neither get's as simple as that.

Since I am English though what I hope doesn't matter, Americans will do what they need to do, so it will likely be one of them. While the Donald camp is surely restless, the Hillary camp is unapposed, and the only way to get rid, is for both camps to kick them both into quarter, and that probably won't happen until one of them is elected, then kicked out for being too naughty!

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:09 AM
I'm from England and would very much like to see Donald Trump win.

Being a passionate Brexit supporter, I see big similarities between that and Trumps campaign.
Just looking how over the past two days, the MSM over here have went into hysteria over Trumps 'locker room' comments confirms that again to me. The political and media elite clearly don't want him to win.

This is the people versus the global establishment.
Vote for Trump for a chance of change, or vote Hillary for more destructive status quo.
As Obama once said... "she will say anything and change nothing".

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Trump, without a shadow of doubt.

And for me at least, the choice is most certainly NOT a partisan issue, i'm not supportive of either party as part of some political philosophical following, but judging like for like, Clinton would be an unmittigated disaster, not just for the USA, which is bad enough of course, but it would be disasterous for the entire world, possibly even leading to all out war between the three superpowers and satellite / allied nations, not to mention those unfortunates who happen to live in the most likely theatres for such a devastating, perhaps even species destroying (it really could be that serious) conflict.

Hillary is a warmonger...she hates the Russians, has distain for the Chinese, and is absolutely itching to progress the slaughter in the Middle East...the war profits and reconstruction monies of which would have her and her wealthy banker buddies salivating at.

Trump is not a professional politician...some would argue that is a minus, i don't agree.

He is a world class businessman. He's had the success and the bumps, and is still a world class businessman...he knows how to make deals, he knows how to get the most for the buck, and he knows how to wrestle around in the crap and come up smelling of roses...this is the person America, and the world needs in the White House, not some vindictive, selfish harpy who would happily sell her own people out to get what she wanted for herself and hers.

Trump would deal with Russia, with China and with the rest of the world, as a businessman, not as a war hawk looking to make billions from an extremely dangerous conflict with the world's superpowers, he'd take the business approach and find a solution that would suit all parties involved, which is actually much more statesmanlike than the alternative Clinton would offer.

Clinton is a very, very bad choice - for all of us.

edit on 10 10 2016 by MysterX because: typo

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: MysterX

What would you say to someone whose opinion of both politicians and big business leaders, is that they share common interests, those being largely their own, and furthermore are far more likely to be closet psychopaths than regular folk, and that electing either business persons or politicians to high office, makes little to no sense since they are more likely to be dangerous, self serving, morally defunct and dangerous as hell, than anyone else in the nation might be?

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:32 AM
You know that part in any great action movie when the good guys have totally blown it and it looks like there is no way they could possibly win against the evil bad guys? Well America you are the once loved Good guys that have SO Blown It, that the majority of the rest of the world is now looking on shaking their heads and thinking "How can this ever get any better?"

Unfortunately this is real life and no great action hero is going to step up and save the day. The world really is going to get lumbered with one of these despicable evil people, and I can do nothing but sit back and despair as a once great country truly heads down a path of utter destruction that will most likely take the rest of us with it.

..As the old curse goes "May you live in interesting times" and I do believe we are in for some interesting times ahead.

So to get back on the thread just a bit. Hell no! I would not vote for either of these so called people.


posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: MysterX

What would you say to someone whose opinion of both politicians and big business leaders, is that they share common interests, those being largely their own, and furthermore are far more likely to be closet psychopaths than regular folk, and that electing either business persons or politicians to high office, makes little to no sense since they are more likely to be dangerous, self serving, morally defunct and dangerous as hell, than anyone else in the nation might be?

I would say to look at the body count...then decide.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: MysterX

Do you suppose that Trumps body count is legitimately smaller, or just harder to track, because he has killed people with poverty, by employing underage sweatshop workers in poor countries, rather than with drone strikes and SEAL teams?

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit


But he hasn't destroyed entire countries.

Syria and Libya are the most recent, and both are in ruins. More of that to come under a regime led by Hillary.

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: Ohanka

Do you believe that if he were as rich as the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers, that he would have refrained from playing the same game, with the same pawns as are available to them? If you do not doubt it, what sense would there be in allowing such an avaricious person access to that very pool of resources, which but for his lack of them, he would misuse to his benefit, and to the ruin of others?

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: hutch622
It's akin to putting two dog#s in a bag and saying, which one would you choose?

posted on Oct, 10 2016 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: hutch622

As a Scotsman, i've made my position abundantly clear in many posts on the matter, neither should be in the White House, Donald Trump isn't Presidential material. Clinton should jail and why would you guys allow.Bill Clinton to even take a commercial tour of the White House, nevermind as First Man(?).

Whoever wins this Presidential Race the worrld looses and that's about the only this while debacle. The state of UK politics isn't any better to be honest...

Pretty much this, though strongly believe the world and US would be a far safer place with Clinton in charge - Trump is more suited for Jeremy Kyle than world leader He's Boris Johnson without the intelligence or vocabulary.

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