Hello all, I've been browsing this site for 8 years. I was brought up as a hellfire and brimstone christian but never really bought into the story. I
began questioning everything when I was seventeen and through lots of digging I found myself on ATS. I have found myself on this site everyday since.
I just want to say thank you to one and all for your posts and threads. You all have opened my mind to so many possibilities and have hopefully
advanced my search for truth. So glad to finally be here.
I've always wanted to join ATS but honestly I have been a little intimidated to lol. I would just like to be part of the site that helped me get
through a lot of struggles.
Hello and welcome to ATS, myself was lurking around for a long time before I joined, and spent looong time before posting anything...Anyways... See
you around
Much love!
edit on KSun, 09 Oct 2016 16:53:18 -050016p31532016-10-09T16:53:18-05:00pmSunday by Kryptical because: Fixed typo
Thank you kryptical and darklight! I have always been very intimidated about joining the site. I have definitely learned a lot in all my years or
lurking. I have struggled with anxiety since i was a kid and ATS has always been a place of comfort ever since I discovered it.