a reply to:
I'm pretty much on board with Hawking slightly, sorta.
I answered an emergency call once and twenty years later it's still a work in progress.
Long story, don't wanna get into it.
I'm still on the job but some of their misconceptions about what we do here is wildly misunderstood.
At least, my dealings.
I'm no miracle worker and can't keep up with their requests.
They want entire custom homeworlds with huge temples for their families and want it overnight, not to mention I don't even get a commission for my
work, and some just keep making outrageous work orders and unrealistic and incessant and insistant overbearing demands.
I'm a volunteer charity organization for chrissakes.
Not Magrathea.
It's a long to try and keep up with because we really do want to help out.
It's not that they're bad entities, it's just they don't really UNDERSTAND things take time, networking , paperwork, blueprints, teamwork,
construction leasing, sourcing materials, transport and transport costs, and making sure you have enough guys who know what they're doing and how to
do it right.
And how draining it is negotiating and putting all this into operation.
If one gets their hommeworld, BAM the phone starts up again with another order and some can get downright mean about the smallest little insignificant
detail that isn't what they wanted even though they made a huge ordeal about insisting and specifying that exact thing over and over.
It's never right.
I have no idea how they got my damn number either.
Sorry I don't know the source of the original quote though.
Wish I had known earlier.
It's spot on.
Most of our dealings aren't like that though.
It's just the ones who are make me want to cry and give up my calling entirely.
edit on 10/8/16 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar edit, i'm just a secretary