posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to:
Funnily enough I've had exactly the same diagnosis (I think). Mines at C6/C7. I was having gradually increasing pain in my left arm, and then a few
weeks back my left forefinger went numb at the top. Went to the docs so he sent me for an MRI. Apparently he'd suspected MS so as you can imagine I
was bricking it until the results came back.
Another doc got the result and just recommended 'pain management', which I don't know if you're UK based but it's basically fobbing you off and saying
live with it. Luckily I found out this was his recommendation so saw a different doc (the original) and he immediately said I'd need to at least see a
neurosurgeon to see if it needs intervention. He said I was too young to just see if it gets worse (I'm 40).
The pain comes and goes, and is basically the contents of the disc sack herniating and pushing against one of my main nerve junctions. Sucks big time
so I know how you feel, if you pardon the pun!
The thing to realise is it WILL slowly get better. People have it all the time and recover. The key is to take it easy, so no heavy lifting etc. I
like to run on occasion but can't anymore as it's high impact so that's something else to avoid. DON'T under any circumstances allow a chiropractor to
'manipulate' your back - it'll do more damage. Try and see a neurosurgeon if you can as they can review your MRI and see what's the best course of
action. Remember just because they're a surgeon doesn't mean they need to operate - they're just specialists at this kind of thing.
In my case it may be they just say rest up and no intervention is needed. I really hope so - don't want anyone poking around my spine!
Also know what you mean about sleep. I struggle - as mine is higher up and tend to lay on my side. I've read that laying on your back, with a pillow
beneath your knees will really help as it keeps your legs bent and relieves the pressure. Worth a try.
Chin up - it WILL get better
edit on 6-10-2016 by youcanttellthepeople because: (no reason given)