posted on Jan, 29 2017 @ 09:45 PM
I have had a handful of what you could call "paranormal" experiences, but two of them stand out as the weirdest:
1) The 2004 Christmas Indian Tsunami - age 20, living in Oklahoma. I've never had a dream where I awoke and I sat straight up in bed, like in the
movies, before. But the night (it being night here in the U.S. when it struck on the other side of the Earth) it happened I had this dream... I was
walking along a sandy beach with straw-like huts along the tree-line. The shore was empty, in that the water was missing. (I live in central U.S. so I
didn't know anything about tides or how oceans work, at this time.) There were a couple of yellow jeeps, like, life guard jeeps. All the people were
walking out in the muddy sand where the water should have been. I walk past the yellow jeep looking out at the missing water and it suddenly hits
me... If the water got pulled out it's probably going to come rushing back... So I started running towards the people and yelling at them to get away
from the water... to come back. I was running and screaming frantically as others realized what I was saying and they joined trying to get the people
to come back to shore. But then we saw it, the water was coming back. And then we all turned and ran. I was just reaching the tree-line and dashed
inside a hut when the water crashed through and around me. That's when I woke up - shot straight up in bed, breathing heavily, the adrenaline was so
much that I didn't go back to sleep and it was SUPER early in the morning in Oklahoma. When I went downstairs later that morning, my sister was at the
kitchen table and I told her I had a crazy dream about a tsunami, there were palm trees, and that I woke up right when the water overtook me. A couple
of hours later I was coming downstairs and into the living room. The news was on and I heard them talking about a tsunami. They then showed a tropical
beach with huts and palm trees being overtaken by water. I stopped dead in my tracks and yelled out "That's my dream! That's the place!" My dad,
sitting in his chair in the living room, looked up at me not knowing what I was talking about. My sister walked into the living room. I looked at her
and repeated "That's my dream. The palm trees, the grass huts, I dreamed that tsunami!" My sister then nodded and told my dad, in shock, that I DID
say that morning that I dreamed about a tsunami at a tropical location. I went on and explained that I didn't even know how tsunamis worked until I
dreamt it. That the water was all gone and everyone was walking around checking out the empty beach before the tsunami struck. Later, after going
online, I also found out that in America our life guard vehicles are red, but in India and other countries in that area they are yellow, which I did
not know. Just like in my dream.
2) Age 29, living in Lakewood, Colorado. I was sitting in my one-room apartment's bedroom. My back was to the bedroom door and I was fiddling with
something while sitting on the edge of my bed, facing my night table. Suddenly, a deep male voice, said very loudly (and angrily) "I am going to kill
you!" right in my ear, as if his face was right behind my head. I immediately screamed out "Jason!" (my husband's name) and jumped up and turned
around, thinking he was just trying to scare me, and I said his name in an angry voice too, I was pissed he would ever say such a thing. And my blood
ran cold as I realized I was alone in the room AND the bedroom door was closed. Only seconds having passed, Jason ran into the room and asked if I was
okay. I must have looked terrified because he immediately questioned what had happened. I just stared at him, shaking my head, and said "You're not
going to believe me. But I swear to GOD a man just angrily yelled that he was going to kill me right into my ear, as if he was right behind me!" He
then proceeded to check under the bed and in the closet (not many places to look in our tiny apartment) but found nothing... of course.
.... Never been able to put a good explanation to this one. Still creeps me out to this day....