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Things that have happened to you that would turn a non-believer into a believer in an instant..

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posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 04:42 AM
So i visit this website everyday before i visit my usual MSM sites, and although i am open minded and believe anything is possible i have had very little experiences of things of a paranormal nature, well except for the Law of Attraction, because i see instances of it everywhere and not just to me but to people around me, i believe this is real and scientific studies into the "placebo" and "nocebo" effect is showing that what you think about "is" having a direct physical effect on us.

Now i am going to tell you about one of my first instances of experiencing the LOA first hand, and it was when i was trying to tell a friend about this new magical secret i had just found out about.

So i was sitting at the table with my friend having a drink and a discussion about the Universe and Aliens etc and when i was explaining to him about the LOA he seemed to be even more sceptical than he usually is which was getting me annoyed because even although i wasn't a believer "yet" i still thought it was certainly possible, so as the argument went on and on until i just thought that's it i am going to prove this to you, so i picked up one of his book and said i am going to open this book at a random page and on that page it will somehow relate to what is happening now, now at the time i was so annoyed and sure that i would show him proof, so i opened the book which was a Bill Hicks (comedian) book, and the page i read was how Bill was sitting at a table with his friend and they were discussing the Universe and Aliens etc.... pretty much exactly what we were talking about, now i had never read any of Bill Hicks books but somehow i just knew i would prove this theory by doing this, and to be honest i dont know who was more amazed at this him or me, i was gobsmacked at how relevant this extract that i read out was, now i notice it quite regularly and really don't see it as a theory anymore, its real!

so that is one of my instances of experiencing something "paranormal", please share if you have any.....

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 05:33 AM
The bird before us had been shot down while trying to resupply troops trapped on a steep ridge line. The Col. Had briefed us on the location and approach to the troops to be resupplied. We were in the cockpit while we were being briefed and our UH-1H was being loaded. After the Col. disconnected his head set and departed with his maps all of a sudden there was cold cold freezing mass of air that passed through the cockpit. It was so cold that as I looked to Bob my co-pilot he was looking at me and we both went Burrrrr and actually had our bodies shake ! The outside air temperature was at least 98 F and the UH-1h darn sure did not have air conditioning.

I took this super cold air mass as a possible warning and reconsidered our planned route to the drop off resupply point. We departed the PZ in our heavily laden bird and proceeded up to the ridge line. The Col. had recommended an East to West approach for the Snakes had supposedly gotten all the bad guys who had shot the prior supply bird down.. I figured B.S. due to the triple canopy jungle so I elected to fly over the ridge line on the opposite side of Where the first bird had been shot down. As we were in route one of our cover birds (Cobra) started taking fire from the same location as before.

As he was returning fire with everything he had we continued on and told the ground troops to pop smoke when we were about three minutes out of their supposed location. Sure enough, shortly there after, purple smoke started filtering up through the jungle and as we called "purple smoke" the ground troops said that the smoke was theirs. We got to the spot and my crew chief and door gunner kicked out several boxes of ammo, more smoke grenades, and medical supplies. As the supplies were kicked out I broke hard left and went the speed of heat down the severe slope of the ridge line and we were unscathed, undead, and unshot ...

I do not normally believe in such things but that day and to this very day Bob and I have thought, " Death or an angel passed through our cockpit to warn us that the route we were about to fly was not in our best interest."

South East Asia on a hot day with no thunderstorms in the area for a cold outflow of air...?.... Dunno... It was weird is all I can say....

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:05 AM
thanks for sharing your experience mate, if something like that happened to me i would be thinking that my guardian angel had given me a sign or something, well done on spotting that sign anyway, i think most people would have carried on regardless and would have met a sticky end, if a cold mass surrounds me in the future i will be sure to remember this, thanks

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 06:49 AM
If you don't believe in the effectiveness of a low carb diet let me tell you it works. Fastest weight loss and it's been twenty years since I lost 80 lbs.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Davg80

I went from atheist to agnostic when I started having visions. Even today I've got some strange abilities, such as dreaming events about to happen (premonition), dreaming of things happening far away (a kind of remote viewing but displayed in a dream), and even seemingly influence weather patterns (an ATS member has even witnessed this).

I am was not a big believer in God. In fact I still am not - I don't believe in the man in the clouds. But maybe there are thing we just cannot understand on this material Earth. And when I had a dream in which Zeus told me that my abilities didn't just pop up for no reason, but actually his legacy to some people. I know, strange dream; but when I woke up I started considering that maybe we are picturing "God" all wrong. Maybe what we perceive as "God" is no man in the sky at all, but perhaps instead a node where everything connects, a force from which reality flows, a source for us to tap into and get better. Like internet, in a network - only those with the proper server may access the content of internet. It looks magical but it's just lines of hidden codes working and making it awesome.

edit on 6-10-2016 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 07:09 AM
I found my experience in my 20's. The situation was old hag and it has been happening for centuries in every culture. Science explains it as a dream where the mind semi wakes up and is hallucinating however the body is still asleep. Due to your body being in REM sleep it is paralyzed so it doesnt hurt yourself while you sleep however your mind wants to move.
The reality of my experience is actually quite different. In a dream you cant smell or feel warmth or cold. The terror is real and unlike any scary movie or shock you have ever felt. Your emotions are like that of prey before a kill and you begin to wonder if you could move your body would you want to actually see what was just out of sight.
Yeah you cant see it but boy can you feel its extreme hatred for you. I have been in life and death experiences and the terror i felt in those moments isnt the same it isnt even on the same level.
Unable to move and yell and something just out of site so horrid you can feel the malice in its intent. It is the obsolute climax of true terror. Words like terror,nightmare and fear come to mind but its an emotion hard to put in words. Hyperreal, highed senses so extreme the body goes catatonic but the mind has never seemed as awoken in your whole life.
This thing lies down in bed beside you and you feel the bed move under it weight but you cant turn or move to see what its trying to do. You feel a hand cover your mouth and your screaming on the inside but the person in the living room only a few feet away hears nothing. You can see the tv in the living room its on the local news you fade"black out" out only to wake up.

Was it a dream?
I have never felt warm or cold in my dreams.
I have never smelled anything in a dream.
Have i had sleep paralysis before this experience or after? I have not.

I honestly believe i encountered the paranormal. And so do alot of people who have gone though old hag

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: swanne

no i dont believe in God as the general consensus believes either, i "do" believe in God and Gods though, well when i say believe i mean i sway to that side more, i still think that anything is possible, but right now i think that Gods could have been the first beings in a Universe that was created by God a supreme creator if you like, i think it is certainly possible that the Gods of old like Zeus etc could be more than just the source of active imaginations and its interesting that different cultures have different names for these Gods that display the same characteristics, i also can't get out of my head about what Tom Delonge said about the Gods of old being real also, although im quite sceptical of TDL although some of the things he was saying were close to my way of thinking. i also have had a sort of premonition recently, i was watching a local Boxing match on the TV and thought it was probably not going to be very good so was going to turn it over but stopped cause i had the feeling that i should keep watching, well i wished i didn't as the boxer in the main event had to be taken to hospital and died, and it made me think a lot about it afterwards and felt so sad for him and his family. dont know if that was a premonition though and tbh i wish i never watched it...

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: digital01anarchy

i have experienced sleep paralysis also and also in my 20s, but i attributed it to taking party drugs at the time, i woke up and couldn't move my body, it scared me #less and then i sprang up like a flash in terror when my body woke up, now if it was light when it happened to me each time so i knew that nothing was in the room with me, but if it was dark i know i would have seen shapes and my mind would have made those shapes into something "real" making me even more terrified therefore making me believe this was actually happening, was it dark when it happened to you, because the mind does play tricks on you in heightened times of fear in the dark...

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: Davg80
i think it is certainly possible that the Gods of old like Zeus etc could be more than just the source of active imaginations

If you have a vivid dream of somewhere off-planet / other dimension then post it somewhere on the internet. If the vision / oobe is valid then Zeus (a.k.a Shymhz or shem + ya'ah + aza ) will contact you.

The angels will always test you and depending upon your thoughts, via LOA, they will put you in contact with an angel of your spiritual type.

So having an OOBE and seeing a death claw hooked to your left shoulder means that Azrael (Grim Reaper) wants to train you as a reaper.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 08:49 AM
Astral projected once as a kid unintentionally. I was about 12 and I used to lucid dream a lot because I thought it was pretty cool to be in a dream state yet conscious enough to control my actions in the dream. I guess that on one particular night I somehow projected out of my body, it was the craziest thing I have ever experienced. I remember it so vividly to this day over 20 years later. I just kind of floated upward out of my body and hovered there for a bit as I tried to make sense of what was going on. Needless to say I was terrified because at the time I had no knowledge let alone understanding of Astral projection at that age. I guess my state of shock and fear was enough to zip me right back into my body after a few brief seconds of floating. At the time I had no idea nor explanation for what happened yet I knew it wasn't a dream but had no way to make sense of it. As I got older and considerably more read I was finally able to make sense of what happened that night.
edit on 6-10-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2016 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 09:01 AM
I have always been the "weird" one in the family when it comes to strange things happening to me.

When I was very young (6) I told my mom it wasn't natural for us to be separated. I went on to tell her we used to be able to talk to each other without saying a word and when she is cooking in the kitchen and I am outside I feel too distant from her. Separation anxiety is real within us all and causes distress because where we come from we are a collective and not separated.

I have always had gnosis. I predicted my best friends and ex boyfriends death the day of with my best friend and a month before my ex boyfriend and when it happened I was in awe.

People who have passed on come to me in dreams. Any turmoil I have within is brought forth in dreams as to what is needed to bring the change in need for peace.

There is an after life and we each have a purpose. We didn't blink into existence by chance. I have experienced so much in my 43 years that prove to me there is something out there that loves me unconditionally and awaits me when I leave this Earth. I call it Love.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: swanne

Prophets had visions and dreams......

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

i would love to be able to do that, i remember trying it when i was 15 after reading about it in a book about the occult and i tried it and felt like it was happening but i got scared that i wouldn't be able to get back, i have been looking into it a lot as of late and would like to try it again, and will. i have just heard so many different dos and don'ts around the subject it is putting me off a bit, i also have my son who is 1 in the house so wouldn't do it just yet as i wouldn't want anything happening to him.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: MamaJ

yes, i think we are part of a whole to, in fact my karma i say to myself most nights before i sleep is i am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving harmonious and happy, which i got from the first book about the LOA that i read called the master key system and it speaks as being part of a whole, it kinda can make sense of everything if we are all part of a collective unconscious that can and has revealed itself in all manners of ways that would be deemed paranormal to us, i think that highly susceptible people like yourself would be able to see these things easier than those of us that are more conditioned into the flock, i see us when we die as going back to that consciousness with all we have learned from our life where we wait to start again and go forth until we have learned all we can at this stage and we ascend to another level if you like....

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

are you sure this didnt happen

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: Davg80

Yes, we are thinking along the same wavelength.

The seeker finds.

We just have to be careful what we are seeking because it will attract itself to us.

posted on Oct, 6 2016 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: Davg80

My belief changed when I saw something that cannot be explained. It was witnessed by the friend I was with so not an illusion or in my mind.

There are things that visit/live in Welsh forests far beyond our imagination.

It was a beautiful sight and changed things inside me forever.
edit on 6/10/2016 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: nerbot

can you tell us what it was you witnessed, and what lives in a Welsh forest...

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: nerbot

Yes, I'm a quarter Celt, I too would like to know. I've also seen some strange creature... And not in a dream...

posted on Oct, 7 2016 @ 07:01 AM

originally posted by: Davg80
a reply to: digital01anarchy

i have experienced sleep paralysis also and also in my 20s, but i attributed it to taking party drugs at the time, i woke up and couldn't move my body, it scared me #less and then i sprang up like a flash in terror when my body woke up, now if it was light when it happened to me each time so i knew that nothing was in the room with me, but if it was dark i know i would have seen shapes and my mind would have made those shapes into something "real" making me even more terrified therefore making me believe this was actually happening, was it dark when it happened to you, because the mind does play tricks on you in heightened times of fear in the dark...

It was light in the room. I saw nothing only felt the bed move and a murderous intent. I saw the tv in the living room and even asked my parent if they had been watching the news. The answer was yes.
Ever get that feeling your being watched? Or just know when someone is behind you.

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