posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 12:45 PM
Yeah, that is because the real concoction (drink) contains an MAOI, usually from mimosa hostilis. An MAOI, if you've taken an SSRI or an SNRI can
become fatal. So when they say antidepressant, even the diet you are supposed to take beforehand is because of the bad things that can happen from
taking an MAOI, not from the '___'. However, '___' is not active orally, and needs MAOI to be able to function. There are types of psilocin/psilocybin
that are essentially just "orally active" '___'. They contain the same structure as '___', down to the dimethylation, but there are atoms positioned
near the "top" of the molecule, one position "up" from where the oxygen atom exists in serotonin (5-HT), which is essentially '___' with an added
oxygen atom and no dimethylation. Those other atoms make it essentially orally active when the human system puts it through, I'm guessing, carboxylase
and a few other metabolic processes.