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Did it never rain on earth before Noah's flood?

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posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by randyb
hey guys just wondering...isnt it possible that the flood didnt actually cover the whole world but the whole of the then 'civilised' world...i doubt the entire planet to have been habited at that point in history

That would have completely destroyed the site I'm researching. I assure you that it wasn't ever involved in any massive amounts of water. In fact, some of the sites of about the same age are in a canyon about a mile from the site I'm studying. The Fate Bell Shelter has a layer of dirt and human debris that's 19 feet high (in other words, part of the site may be up to 12,000 years old) that would have been completely washed away (along with all the material) with that kind of water impact -- and particularly when the water drained away.

These are not the only sites where you could make these objections. It's just ONE site that I happen to be working on.

posted on Jan, 31 2005 @ 09:45 PM

I am not saying that Noah's flood was world wide but could it be possible that it was older than even 12,000 years instead of about 5,000?

You must be an archeologist???

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 06:50 PM
It might have rained at night and not during the day, hence the first Rainbow. But conditions were such that rain was not needed and everything grew in a rich atmsophere which scientists say helped life live longer and grow bigger too.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
It might have rained at night and not during the day, hence the first Rainbow.

But conditions were such that rain was not needed and everything grew in a rich atmsophere which scientists say helped life live longer and grow bigger too.

however... the first mention of the 'rainbow' was only after the 40 days of rain stopped,
and Noah's ark sent birds out seveal times,
and the ark came to rest on mount Ararat ---

so there was plenty of time for the sun to shine thru and create a rainbow
~which never happened~ for months & months after the 40 days of rain,

at least not until Noah & the family disembarked the ark an built an Alter to the G-d that committed genocide on humanity.
Only then....did the rainbow, a sign of a promise, decide to become visible!
? why do you think all the regular laws of physics were not in effect & a naturally ocurring rainbow was never reported before?

Here's the real-deal, or at least food-for-thought.

Where the asteroid belt is, there was once a watery planet world that others call 'Vulcan'...
when the planet outgassed & exploded the water fom Vulcan indutated Mars and caused the deluge on Earth we refer to as Noahs flood story.

all that H2O scattered throughout the inner solar system caused the light from the sun & moon to behave erratically and many seen 'omens' in the sky because of the strange heavens in that era of the ancient world.

search the google or whomever for Exploding Planet Hypothesis,
read the theories, put the pieces of the historical and scriptual and mythic stories together... you'll more than likely see the rationale of the "EPH"

#2 : the richly oxygenated earth did not exist some 4000-3500 BCE,
(the appox time of the Noah flood/Gilgamesh/flandarian inundation)

that epoch of rich atmosphere was Millions of years ago, at least according to fossils and other evidence suchas ice core samples of the trapped atmosphere up to 200,000 years ago.


[edit on 20-5-2008 by St Udio]

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 08:02 PM

6 And God said, "Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." 7 So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. 8 God called the expanse "sky." And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day.

Ok.... I thought I might post that passage from Genesis 1:6-8
It describes two bodies of water.... on above the sky and the Oceans themselves. My theory about this is that was where all the water came from for the great flood. This body of water would also cause a mist which would water the ground and plants. This large body of water in the sky would also account for the reason why people grew so old. It would also account for these people knowing about stars and the like which we cant see with the human eye now days as this body of water would amplify anything seen from the ground in space.

Sorry if this has all been mentioned - I couldnt really be bother reading the whole thread.


posted on May, 22 2008 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by funky monk
My theory about this is that was where all the water came from for the great flood. This body of water would also cause a mist which would water the ground and plants. This large body of water in the sky would also account for the reason why people grew so old. It would also account for these people knowing about stars and the like which we cant see with the human eye now days as this body of water would amplify anything seen from the ground in space.


WOW! This part never occured to a magnifying glass looking into the heavens! No wonder ancient peoples knew so much about the stars and thier movements.

thank you, Funky Monk for this insight!


posted on May, 23 2008 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Cherish

Sok... any time.

sorry for the one liner....


posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 01:20 PM
the earth is 6 billion years old---scientist say based on the evidence..that it rained for over 1 billion years straight and that is how the oceans were created.

so yes it rained before someone dreamed up the fairy tale about noah's ark.

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 01:29 PM
Unfortunatley optic theory don't support that concept.........

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Can you please explain?
I really wanna hear a little more about that if you tell us more.


posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 05:28 PM
I first heard heard this very question back in the 70's. A little different take on it than what has been discussed.

Basically, the people where used to fog and clouds. It was the sunshine that really scared them. Apparently never seeing a rainbow before, which requires sunlight. Don't have a bible here to look at but others seem to be able to quote it. Were is sunshine first mentioned in the bible?

There are some smart guys here on the forum. An atmosphere totally saturated would hold how much "rain". Let's forget modern science and humor me, what if there was basically a cloudy environment that finally had reached the point that it would rain. How much water are we talking about.

As for the salt in the seas, easy one. Erosion from runoff adds salts of different minerals. It has to collect somewhere and does not evaporate, but just gets denser in concentration. A really smart guy can do the math and tell a person how old the water is from this concentration, you have some interesting results when this is done. Several theories have arose from this type of research.

I'm neutral in religion or Bible thumping. The Bible does provide some interesting theories in direct conflict with science.

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 07:34 PM
I believe the long life span was due to protection from the sun. After the flood that protection was removed and therefore the age process was excellerated.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 02:33 PM
I think we should take the Deluge legends for what they are: observations of primitive peoples.

The Hebrews were not present at the time they were describing. It's unlikely any of the peoples from whom the stories came were even there. It was probably describing an ancient event, possibly even as old as the Mediterranean sea being created, who knows.

Clearly there was a very large flood. At the end of the last Ice Age, all the frozen water had to go somewhere.

We know that, from the teller's perspective, all the Earth was covered in water. This means the entire world as they knew it was underwater. This probably wasn't a very large portion of the world, if it happened to be a particularly old story.

This same story was passed down through the generations, with the line "and the whole Earth was under water". As man's knowledge of the size of the Earth grew, the expansive nature of this statement remained the same. Suddenly, we're talking about a flood that covers continents, rather than the cluster of villages the protagonist is aware of.

Minor point: "forty days" is a common Hebrew expression that means "a long time, but no-one can remember quite how long". Don't take it too literally, you'll notice it pops up a lot in the OT.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 06:25 PM
Why would the Hebrew account mention strange anomalies associated with that one particular flood?

1. 120 year life span limit.
2. First rainbow mentioned
3. First fermentation recorded
4. First mention of eating meat

If this was just any old flood why would they include these normal things we see or do today?

I believe the primary purpose of the Deluge was to remove the protective barrier around the atmosphere. The primary goal of the flood was to reduce the life span of human beings.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by shaunybaby can it rain without first being water to be evaporated and then to condense only then to be released as rain. ...

Many people mistake what happened in the great flood. The 40 days rain didn't do all of the flooding. It says "the fountains of the great deep broke open", then later, that they were stopped.

Guess what we have just discovered recently? If you answered "there are fountains at the bottom of the ocean that spew forth water", then go get yourself a cookie!

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 05:15 AM
As I understand, the flood from the bible is a reference to the climate change that took place around 10500, the end of the so-called "Ice Age". Obviously, it rained both before and after.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 05:24 AM
Isn´t aging related to OXIDATION?
Would a saturated atmosphere cause different oxygen levels in the breathable atmosphere around ground-level?

AFAIK, sunlight (UV) only causes skin to look old, and not the entire body to age.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:34 AM
Rain in the ancient past?

Yep that's where we got sedimentary rock from.

You might want to look at research on ancient atmospheres. Minute amounts of the atmosphere gets sealed inside Zircon, diamonds, halite and other minerals

There is also a mudflat that turned into stone which shows not only creatures tracks but the little indentations from rainfall.

A clear blue morning. A broad desert, blooming after a spring rain. Two creatures scamper across the sand. Are they hunting? Fleeing? Simply looking for shade? They meet briefly, shuffle their feet, and move on.

The source

[edit on 5/8/08 by Hanslune]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Has anyone considered.... Saturn has ice rings, not solid but intricate threads of ice. If these were in a place where the then civalization was protected from sun light and an astroid or what ever hit them, bringing them to earth.

The sudden influx of water would have created earthquakes of massive size taking a few months to settle down and the water to find its new level.

Many old texts and writings refer to "the whole canopy of heaven" and other variations. The water in any canopy would not be liquid water but ice. And it would probably be nearer to the equator where people lived at that time. Would not there be other peoples that lived elsewhere and were not known or included in the religious texts?

Just food for thought...

[edit on 11-8-2008 by Hyram]

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 10:18 AM
maybe the story of noahs ark was written in a way for primitive man to explain where noahs ark came from..maybe noahs ark was a space ship that traveled 40 days and night through space to find a habitable planet for all the animals he had on board..40 of noahs days could be longer than ours or the speed of his ship could be faster than light....the dove could have been a probe ,one of many he sent out to planets to check for the right conditions....

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