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originally posted by: flyingdutchman2112
The Bush's and Clintons are in cahoots. They smuggled coc aine through Mena Arkansas back in the 80s to fund Iran contra. They run in the same circles, bang the same mind control slaves and do all the same stuff, their body counts overlap. Bush purposely passed off the presidency to Bill Clinton this country's executive branch has been controlled by Bush's Clintons and Obamas probably since the attempted Reagan assassination if not before.
a reply to: Annee
originally posted by: Kapriti
a reply to: FlyingFox
Those who loathe Hillary Clinton always make the mistake of thinking that the "next thing" will sink her campaign, but it never works that way. The woman might as well be triple-dipped in Teflon the way the corporate news media outlets protect her.
Assange would have to have extremely detailed information of Hillary Clinton ordering the execution of someone, and even then the Obama-Clinton Democrats would argue it was a justified response from "the most moral woman who has ever lived."
originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: Annee
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA
By Terry Reed, John Cummings
originally posted by: tweetie
a reply to: jadedANDcynical
The Likes count you referenced is done by the owner of the page, in this case, Wikileaks, not by followers. It's different than Facebook. Twitter followers can click on the heart underneath any tweet to show they like it.
The Reeds filed a civil rights lawsuit in July 1991 In 1996 he and his wife, Janis Kerr Reed brought a lawsuit against Raymond Young, Tommy L. Baker, Donald Sanders & other unknown parties in connection with the Reed's persecution by the US justice system. He withdrew it after U.S. District Judge George Howard Jr. of Arkansas (who was appointed by Bill Clinton) ruled that the Reeds could not introduce any evidence in their civil suit relating to Terry Reed's missions with the FBI, the CIA, Bill Clinton, the international drug trafficker Barry Seal or Dan Lasater, a Clinton associate convicted on drug charges, since he claimed that their evidence "was based on conjecture, speculation and coincidence" and not on "a factual foundation."
originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
I have no idea what will be spoken about and I won't get my hopes up that anything will come of whatever is spoken about.
I would point out that WikiLeaks only has 1 like:
I don't know if this carries any weight, but I thought there would be those here who would find this interesting.
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14
originally posted by: FlyingFox
I think a fresh thread on the subject is justified. Alex Jones' sources have spoke to Assange, and the quote is his, "will devastate" Clinton and it's "the end" of them.
Yes, you read that right: 2:00 in the morning (AM) Central. Wikileaks is set to make a huge announcement during German daylight hours, which would be early in the morning for the US, and it’s reported the announcement pertains to a huge data dump that exposes more of Hillary’s crimes. “People have a right to understand who it is they’re electing,” said Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, adding that the information comprised of “a variety of different types of documents, from different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are quite interesting, some even entertaining.” So tune in and please share: Tuesday, Oct. 4 2:00AM CT
Also, if Assange has something he needs to release it now. He should have released it a while back if he had it.
I don't know if you've ever listened to a Julian Assange interview. He's not an entertainer. In many ways, it's like listening to a NASA briefing. But, since I'm in the car and listening to conservative radio all day....
Julian never said that he was going to "bring down", or "destroy" Clinton. Instead, he frankly says that he has 3 to 4 people scanning each e-mail and document received, to ensure as best they can that they're "real".
Thousands of new ones are now being received every week from people who are angry at Hillary, or feeling betrayed, or who want to internally disassociate themselves from her antics/crimes. (Clear their conscious)
The documents are not released until a BATCH OF THEM are ready. That's how WikiLeaks does it. OH.. by the way.. Assange also says that they have (I think) 37 nations that they are focusing on. That's a heavy load for 4 people!
originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: carewemust
On Twitter, you have followers, people you follow, tweets, retweets and likes. Think of a tweet as an ATS post, a retweet as quoting for emphasis and like as a star on ATS.
This is the only tweet (which includes a link to a story that is 404'd) that the WikiLeaks twitter account has ever liked.
Again, I don't know if it is significant, but it seemed so to me.
originally posted by: Annee
originally posted by: jadedANDcynical
a reply to: Annee
Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA
By Terry Reed, John Cummings
You are assuming I don't know this information. You are assuming wrong.
Source, facts, proof.
originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14
originally posted by: carewemust
originally posted by: Quetzalcoatl14
originally posted by: FlyingFox
I think a fresh thread on the subject is justified. Alex Jones' sources have spoke to Assange, and the quote is his, "will devastate" Clinton and it's "the end" of them.
Yes, you read that right: 2:00 in the morning (AM) Central. Wikileaks is set to make a huge announcement during German daylight hours, which would be early in the morning for the US, and it’s reported the announcement pertains to a huge data dump that exposes more of Hillary’s crimes. “People have a right to understand who it is they’re electing,” said Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, adding that the information comprised of “a variety of different types of documents, from different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are quite interesting, some even entertaining.” So tune in and please share: Tuesday, Oct. 4 2:00AM CT
Also, if Assange has something he needs to release it now. He should have released it a while back if he had it.
I don't know if you've ever listened to a Julian Assange interview. He's not an entertainer. In many ways, it's like listening to a NASA briefing. But, since I'm in the car and listening to conservative radio all day....
Julian never said that he was going to "bring down", or "destroy" Clinton. Instead, he frankly says that he has 3 to 4 people scanning each e-mail and document received, to ensure as best they can that they're "real".
Thousands of new ones are now being received every week from people who are angry at Hillary, or feeling betrayed, or who want to internally disassociate themselves from her antics/crimes. (Clear their conscious)
The documents are not released until a BATCH OF THEM are ready. That's how WikiLeaks does it. OH.. by the way.. Assange also says that they have (I think) 37 nations that they are focusing on. That's a heavy load for 4 people!
Also, you may be responding to a different person, but I never said he said he was going to "bring down Clinton.." But again, thanks.