I was considering a theory. Which is how do you know that China doesn't actually own the USA. Either they flat out own it, or else they just took over
the government and people in the US aren't aware of it?
Why do I say that?
Well think about it.
!) All of a sudden all the jobs and businesses are being packed up and shipped to China.
2) All of a sudden china has as much or more advanced weaponry than the US including stealth fighters and ICeeBee-Em's etc etc
3) The states is slowly being eroded economically meanwhile being turned into a full out police state.
You got all these right wingers saying "this ain't my country bla bla bla". Because it's changed so much. But what's the force behind that?
Potentially some other country having infected it and now ruining it?
Like think about it. You somehow pulled it off that you got into the enemy castle. So what do you do? You lute the castle of all it's wealth,
simultaneously you slowly turn it into a prison. That's exactly what's happening to the states on an alarming scale.
And what kind of a dictator would do such a thing? Well maybe a communist dictatorship....China ...hint hint.
And the Chinese have that philosophy of Confucius thinking. So they are very likely have thought about ways to say for example take over the planet
without any actual war.
Maybe what happened is they got so ticked after WW2 (as they got raped bad!) and what happened to them that they were just like: "never again, after
this we'll figure out a way to slowly take over the world. We'll start by taking over the biggest dog out there and continue from there.
Anyway that's my theory, what do you think???
the clone army. And they got the cloning tech from secret labs in the states after they secretly had taken over
these are all the other countries they've already taken over
(if you still don't believe me, it happens in nature in dozens of examples. but people and countries don't think it could
happen to them? Come on. Of course it could happen.)
What do you think?
edit on 2-10-2016 by bigpatato because: (no reason given)
edit on 2-10-2016 by bigpatato because: (no reason
It is/was a plot conceived by the American Dental Association. Good thing about Dentists working in China they can still use lead to fill cavities. We
had to turn to China after England ran off...
Load up on fluoride so You'd actually buy this spiel...
(See PizzaHut™ guy.. Incisors; molars; canine teeth work to be done and the Gov't. billed....)
Back in the 80s everyone said the same thing about Japan.
All the businesses moved there after China was allowed into the WTO and took advantage of essentially slave labor, dramatically reducing their cost of
This is what globalism is all about, keep cheap labor in far off lands away from the eyes of the retail venue....meanwhile keep the retail consumers
at each others throats via push button social issues.
Your !, 2, are not "all of a sudden".
These things have been going on for decades. Of course they're going to be advancing militarily, they're extremely smart people, and they're always
talked about as an enemy when you listen to news from the states (CNN). They need to be war ready.
No, simply put China does not cripple its own economy with stupid regulations without any sense, and are willing to unabashedly use the weapons they
are best with (cyberwarfare).
China is growing strong and technologically advanced because of them taking back Hong Kong. Once they did that, and the chinese got the sweet, sweet
taste of capitalism, it became like a cancer that is currently out of control now and pushing into all corners of the country.
They are evolving into a modern big business society, and that is a good thing. China is now wanting to make solid trade alliances with the 1st world
nations, and they know they will have to crack down on patent laws and piracy. This will be good overall, but the knock off brands and bootlegging
will come to an end. Also eventually they are gonna need to make a reasonable minimum wage, no more 400$ a month for 15 hour days...this will dry up
the slave labor market for large corporations (and some will go elsewhere to find a new country of slaves).
As far as china taking over...naa. we are in competition, but china is our bank, not our guard.
Once China's civilian population overwhelms their crap government, I expect them to follow the same path as Japan and become a invaluable economic
ally..but until then..well, they deserve a government worthy of the people, not the censorous heavy handed jerks they got atm.
The top holder by far is U.S. citizens and American entities, such as state and local governments, pension funds, mutual funds, and the Federal
Reserve. Together they own the vast majority -- 67.5% -- of the debt. Foreign nations only hold 32.5% of the total.