posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 04:49 PM
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I rarely tell my UFO tales but here goes.
1. The first time I saw a UFO I was in Natick, MA at Golf Driving range in the 60's that was on a hill next to rte 9. It was an elongated cigar shape
that kept going back and forth over or near the City of Boston. Everybody that was driving balls stoppped and came out into the parking lot to watch
including the Principal of my Elementary School who happened to be there. Everyone seemed fascinated and it was kind of at the height of UFO trend in
pop cultural. Years later I think it was possibly the Goodyear Blimp that use to have scrolling white light messages on its belly flying over Fenway
Park. But the UFO was constantly white. (?)
2. In High School I was out for a night of boozing it up with the guys and came home flopped on the bed and what seemed like minutes later saw a
bright light coming thru my 2nd floor window, in my drunken daze I went over to the window thinking it was my friends shining the headlights thru my
window, I then realized the light was coming from the sky. It was so bright it was like looking into headlights at short range, you couldn't see
anything. I turned around to see if it cast a shadow and the light went out and was gone. Can't explain this one.
3. Most recent. On Halloween no less. I always have a bunch of Crap setup for my Halloweens fro the kids and it had just gotten dark so I was checking
on the lights/projectors etc. As I was walking into the side door of my house I saw a bright white light go quickly over the pond I live on from left
to right. It was quick and I wasn't focused on it so I didn't get a very good look. Weird reflection? Ya maybe.
I've tried summoning to no avail (Check the
Prophet Yahweh) I've gone out on my pond at night and stared up at
the sky and have seen some weird stuff....try it.