posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 03:31 PM
I like the Rant forum, I've been in there on occasion having an almighty whinge and felt better for it. I've read threads by other people to see
what's been bugging them and, if I could, offered a word of encouragement.
But - so many threads these days are from people complaining about the quality (or lack thereof) of ATS. The general gist is that there are no new
threads to rival those of days gone by. Maybe a member has been gone for a while and come back to discover that the Rest Of Us have not been making
the effort to keep ATS up to the standard to which they'd like to become accustomed.
These sort of threads can pop up elsewhere - not just the Rant Forum - and include those complaining about the state of the political forums and the
upcoming Presidential Election.
Please, for the sake of those such as myself who might inadvertently stumble into these threads when we'd rather not, could a new sub forum be added:
The Bitch About ATS Forum?
I know ATS is far from perfect but perhaps people might consider creating those interesting threads that they so want to grace the boards rather than
throwing another wobbler about the state of the place. Or they might even participate in existing threads and demonstrate how to make quality
The suggested new forum could also provide a home for those psychic members who know exactly why everyone else hands out stars & flags and disapprove
of our reasons.
It could host those who know without a shadow of a doubt who all the shills are.
Seriously, how do people know that stuff? Was there a memo?
And people could go to the new forum to mutter darkly about the alphabet agencies who monitor, if not run, ATS. I'll say here - I do not care. I have
a laugh here, I found people to play with. Just to show willing, I'll give you spooks a clue. Have a look at the Acronym Game thread. It's full of
hidden messages put there by degenerates and subversives.***
Staff can open the new forum with this thread if they like although it's not, strictly speaking, a moan about ATS, but more of a helpful suggestion.
I'm not saying that nobody should ever criticize ATS or its members, just that they should have their own place in which to do it. Then everyone else
can complacently graze away on the content that pleases them without having to suffer the complaints of the discontented.
Thank you for your consideration.
*** j/k - well, about there being hidden messages anyway.