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Can you "hear" a sailboat?

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posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 02:21 AM
I sometimes write about diving. It's an amazing sport.

I think any diver knows how sounds travel underwater. But, I always wondered if you could hear a sailboat when underwater. Well, it turns out you can.

One day I was diving in, of all places, St Thomas. It was a shallow dive, maybe 40 feet or so. I was with some new divers who with an instructor. They were being taught some basic open water skills. I was bored. There was a nice little reef off the beach we were diving on. While my wife and the others were training, I went off on my own. Again, it was shallow. I looked around at the fishes, and that was fun for a while, but I got bored.

I swam a ways away, out onto a sandy portion just beyond the reef and just rolled over on my back and sank to the bottom. I was alone. It was peaceful. I just laid there, my hands clasped on my chest, back to the bottom. I heard this whooshing noise (don't know if that's the right term). I looked up, and there was a sailboat above me. I was hearing the keel of the boat pushing against the wind pushing it.

I always thought sailboats were perfectly quiet. I guess not.

It was cool to watch from below.

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Nice to read. I imagined how it sounds underwater and tried to think about how a boat would sound, going by above.

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

That's cool... I can hear it, but it's most unfortunate that i can't see it.. seeing as an operator has taken away my ability to 'see' avatars on ATS including my own for no apparent reasoning. Crazy right.. I agree...

the song sailing 'takes me away' comes to mind.. love that song.

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 04:25 AM
How shallow was the water? Could you have been hit by the keel if you hadn't sank to the bottom? Be careful out there.

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 05:22 AM
Yes you can hear it, I heard it several times. Was surprised, too. Normally you can hear the motor boats for a while until they get near you. The sail boats will just come out of nowhere. It´s nice to watch from below when they zip past over you.
But one thing I noticed, sailboat captains often give a # about your buoy, I´ve seen hobby sailors use my buoy as turn points and that´s crazy dangerous.

I swore to my self, next time I´ll test my emergency signal gun on their sails. If you´ve ever seen a two mast speeding towards you and your buoy that´s there for safety, you get warm inside your neopren... I still have that picture branded into my mind with the "cool sunglas guy" making a face like he´s not even caring if he splits you in half. Only option pulling the valves on my jacket and try to get as deep as I could. I have a deep hate for those guys, because some are really reckless assholes that think they can do whatever they want and use my buoy as target/turning point.

edit on 1-10-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

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