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The truth about HAARP

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posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 02:18 PM

Since the EBE crafts use manupulation of the Earth's own gravity and electromagnetism to move, it's simply easier to carry out abductions in these sites...?

Entirely possible, if you assume that it is aliens controlling all of those craft. However, I'm not ruling out that the majority of them are Xcraft, and the abductions could be a covert military operation to test out the efficacy of human implants.

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:07 PM
I dont know if this graph is trustworthy or not, but it does look like the three trace elements are starting to diverge again... I would remind you that the last time this happened, about 3 days ago, this very trace was immediately falsified the following day (please check the recent posts in the seismic thread to see our evidence of this), and this was followed by very significant seismic activity today...

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:18 PM
This is a big long shot but could they maybe control our minds with the EM waves. Maybe make us all think the same thing. Think that we should a chip inplanted in our hand. Maybe make us think that Canada is bad and that we should take it over. Whatever they wanted us to think, if they could do that they would be able to do whatever they wanted.


posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:21 PM
I dont know that they can specifically make us want to go get chipped or something, but they can illicit fear, especially when backed up with another mass casualty attack, strong enough to convince us that submitting to the FEMA protocols is our only chance for survival.

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:24 PM
This is HAARP modulating. What is most unusual is how thick the Mist is getting lately. They have modulated this thick mist all the way into Texas! I have studied this for a year and it almost all goes away when modulated. Normally you would see the ground. This thick stuff seems to be able to hug the ground. So what this means is that there is a very low ceiling over most of the US (from the chemtrail HAARP magnifying glass) and very low over the THICK stuff. With HAARP modulating and radars pulsing, this become a zapper. The shuman reasonance, the heart beat of earth is a normal 7.8 but it has now jumped to 11. Last year, the warmest ever recorded. 3 stories last year about large chunks of Icebergs breaking off. Did HAARP blow a hole into the Ionosphere, letting in tons of radiation? It was power to full blast after 911 and WAS used in mapping the cave OSama was trapped in! Some of you remember them spraying a figure 8 over Tora Bora. That was to create a low shield to bounce x-rays off of to map the interior. The pics are on my site.

What is going on has to do with the Ionosphere, which is the electrically charged part of our atmosphere. For quite some time our military has wanted "STAR WARS." A way in which they could shoot down missiles, control the weather to make cloud formations (as to hide from satellite) and so on.

There are three main ingredients to do this: The first being HAARP which is a field of antennas that heat up the ionosphere (or charge up). Most of these are located in Canada and Alaska.

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:28 PM
Has been offly wierd for a couple years now. Last Summer up here we had 100's every day in the summer this year its only been hot a few days. Very wierd. Are they trying to blind us with the mist for some reason? I guess they could test aircraft while the mist is very heavey.


posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:30 PM
My TV looked like it was hit with a magnet and my sisters TV didn't work for a while today. Could this be magnetic waves fudging them up???


posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:32 PM
I believe that the weather and the seismic activity, while they are directly linked to the HAARP transmissions, are unintentional side effects.

However, this raises 2 points: One, the magnitude of these side effects indicates that HAARP is generating and pumping vast amounts of energy into the planet.

Two, those who are running HAARP are totally indifferent to these side effects.

These lead to other, far harder to answer questions: Why?

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:35 PM
July 4th you say. Do you believe it will as massive as a nuclear bomb? A nuclear bomb on US soil maybe? In many visions I have had recently there has been a big explosion in the SouthWest of my location in Missouri. I've had this vision for over a month now and it keeps repeating itself.


posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 11:41 PM
Really? Please describe it if you can.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 12:08 AM
WASHINGTON � The FBI is conducting investigations into Al Qaeda (search) and affiliated terrorist groups in 40 states, placing urgency on finding any sleeper cells that could mount large-scale attacks, a senior agency official said Thursday

And so it begins...

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 12:44 AM
I'm interested in hearing your dream as well. Please explain (if you will) with some more detail. But its okay if you are uncomfortable doing it, totally understandable. In the past month, there has been increased HAARP activity according to the magnetometer. The past few days have been strangely different & inconsistent with the usual pattern. I'm curious to know if there is any element about these dreams that changes with each successive night.

The link to radar matrix was great, that website is a wonderful starting point for anyone attempting to gain some scientific knowledge about HAARP and its intended effects on the environment.

I'll link it directly here:

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 12:49 AM
Very good link!

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 01:12 AM
Tonight on TNT, they played "Red Dawn". This is about a air-land-sea based attack on America by the Soviets. Was made during the cold war. I point out that in the movie, American "dissidents" are placed into "re-education" camps. Are we heading for another one of these? Is that what this is all about?

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 02:22 AM
Hmm im not to sure if anything will happen on us soil. If this is a hoax (911) and all the other "terrorist" activty i dun think something like a nuclear bomb or something to that extent will be dropped

Ud want something that kills or injuries alot but nothing that will effect the nation 4 ever. A bio bomb sounds more like it. Something that is easy to see so media can catch it all up. Also america will look cheap if its "upgraded" just about all its defences and its hit by somethign again. Multiple targets will be not bad, i place go boom couple of other get saved, US looks smart although theres still casulties and damge 4 ppl to stress about

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:19 AM
Dear dragonrider,

Heres a description of my dream. One time I dreamed of it in the middle of the night I was in my room in the basement and I felt everything shake. I went upstairs to see what it was and I saw a mushroom cloud in the distance. It was in the South West. And I just realized whats South West of me. Knob Noster.

I had Deja Vu back in May at school I was just walking to my class and I saw something that triggered it. I wasn't in school anymore. I was closer to the explosion,. I was worried the rest of the day it was going to happen.

Then one time reading soemthing on ATS I saw the same vision again.

DO you think they might hit Knob Noster? I dont know if they could with all the Military Security.


posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 12:54 AM

DO you think they might hit Knob Noster? I dont know if they could with all the Military Security.

I'm not so sure it necessarily means that. It COULD mean that. But lets explore something. In each of your described dream-related scenariois, your location changed.

Do you have any personal history with Knob Noster? No need to answer publically, but if you do- that could be producing the specific name in all situations. Its just a theory though, only YOU really know

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 07:44 AM
Are you referring to the park Knob Noster? Or this some thing else?

Also, are there any silos around this area?

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 12:37 PM
Knob Noster is where Whitman AirForce Base is. And no I have no history related to it. Other than I think the B'2 is really cool.


posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 10:34 AM
The Sci-fi channel did a story on Tesla's "death ray" weapon last night. I only caught the last few moments of it so if anyone else saw it, I'd love to get the skinny on the whole thing.

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